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050806102637 108005000
THE ART OF ENGRAVING brings to the reader - for the first time ever - a complete, authoritative, imaginative and detailed introduction and training in the art of gun engraving. It is a supremely unique book, for not only does it sweep aside the mystery which has surrounded engraving through the centuries, but it factually, simply and in layman's terms tells you how to engrave. Unlike so many so-called "instruction manuals", The Art of Engraving does not assume you know anything about engraving. You start at the beginning by learning to draw scrolls and layouts, then cut practice plates until you are sure enough of your ability to actually proceed to designing a pattern, transferring it to a gun and cutting it into the steel. Whether you want to learn to engrave now . . . think you might like to in the future . . . or simply wish to broaden your knowledge of the art to be able to better judge the work of others (as you will learn to tell the good from the bad - and know why), this is the book for you.Every gunsmith, gun lover or craftsman - no matter what his other calling - has the soul of an artist. This personal, creative urge can be easily directed into the highly renumerative field of gun engraving through the coaching, no-nonsense instructions and technical support in The Art of Engraving. Chapters include: Design and Layout; Materials; Anatomy; Lettering; The Camera; Beginning to Engrave; Advanced Engraving and The Gravermeister. Hundreds of original engravings, designs and layouts by the author (plus samples from other master engravers) to explain specific points and techniques. Much of the original work is intended for you to copy and transfer to your own guns to create an engraving job you can be proud of having done. 208 extremely handsome 8½" x 11" pages. Over 1378 photographs, drawings, designs, layouts and illustrations. Deluxe, hardbound cloth covers. Bound a special way to lie flat. Printed on finest, dull-finished, coated paper available. Extensive use of color to highlight designs, illustrations, pictures. Thoroughly cross-referenced index. Comprehensive listing of reference books of design, equipment, precious metals, books. Written to be used on your bench; magnificent enough for the parlor . . . but above all, intended to teach you how to engrave a gun.   We asked James B. Meek, author of The Art Of Engraving for his recommendations. This is what he wrote: "Perhaps 90% of all the scroll work in engraving can be done with the following tools". Point Graver No. 4 will cut most scrolls. Fine detail is cut with 0 Point. Knife No. 2 is also for detail. The Square is perhaps the most widely used, can also be sharpened as a point, or a chisel, Flat Nos. 36 and 37, and Round Nos. 50 and 54 are needed for lettering on high relief. Kit contains: Point - Nos. 0 and 4; Square - (2) GlenSteel Blanks; Flat - Nos. 36 and 39; Knife - No. 2; Round - Nos. 50 and 54. 9 gravers total.

SPECS: Engraving Kit - Approximately 4-3/8" (11.1cm) long. Shank tapers from 3/16" (4.8mm) to 1/16" (1.6mm). Blanks are 4" (10.2cm) long. Steel.

1049 1049 1 NOK
Produktnr.: 108005000
Produsentnr.: NONE 050806102637 THE ART OF ENGRAVING gir leseren - for første gang noensinne - en komplett, autoritativ, fantasifull og detaljert introduksjon og opplæring i kunsten å gravere våpen. Det er en ekstremt unik bok, for den fjerner ikke bare mysteriet som har omringet gravering gjennom århundrene, men den forklarer faktisk, enkelt og i lekmanns termer hvordan du kan gravere. I motsetning til så mange såkalte "instruksjonsmanualer", antar ikke The Art of Engraving at du vet noe om gravering. Du starter fra begynnelsen ved å lære å tegne spiraler og layouts, deretter kutte prøveplater til du er sikker nok på din evne til å faktisk gå videre med å designe et mønster, overføre det til et våpen og kutte det inn i stålet. Enten du vil lære å gravere nå... tenker at du kanskje vil like å gjøre det i fremtiden... eller rett og slett ønsker å utvide din kunnskap om kunsten for å kunne bedre bedømme andres arbeid (da du vil lære å skille det gode fra det dårlige - og vite hvorfor), er dette boken for deg. Hver børsemaker, våpenentusiast eller håndverker - uansett hva hans andre kall er - har en kunstners sjel. Denne personlige, kreative trangen kan lett rettes inn i det svært lønnsomme feltet for våpengravering gjennom coaching, rett-på-sak instruksjoner og teknisk støtte i The Art of Engraving. Kapitler inkluderer: Design og Layout; Materialer; Anatomi; Bokstaver; Kameraet; Begynne å Gravere; Avansert Gravering og Gravermeisteren. Hundrevis av originale graveringer, design og layouts av forfatteren (pluss eksempler fra andre mestergravører) for å forklare spesifikke punkter og teknikker. Mye av det originale arbeidet er ment for deg å kopiere og overføre til dine egne våpen for å skape et graveringarbeid du kan være stolt av å ha gjort. 208 ekstremt flotte 8½" x 11" sider. Over 1378 fotografier, tegninger, design, layouts og illustrasjoner. Deluxe, innbundet stoffomslag. Bundet på en spesiell måte for å ligge flatt. Trykt på det fineste, matt-finished, belagte papiret som er tilgjengelig. Utstrakt bruk av farge for å fremheve design, illustrasjoner, bilder. Grundig kryssreferert indeks. Omfattende liste over referansebøker om design, utstyr, edle metaller, bøker. Skrevet for å brukes på din arbeidsbenk; praktfull nok for stuen... men fremfor alt, ment for å lære deg hvordan du graverer et våpen. Vi spurte James B. Meek, forfatteren av The Art Of Engraving om hans anbefalinger. Dette skrev han: "Kanskje 90% av all spiralarbeid i gravering kan gjøres med følgende verktøy". Point Graver No. 4 vil kutte de fleste spiraler. Fin detaljering kuttes med 0 Point. Knife No. 2 er også for detaljering. Square er kanskje det mest brukte, kan også slipes som et punkt eller meisel, Flat Nos. 36 og 37, og Round Nos. 50 og 54 er nødvendige for bokstaver på høy relieff. Settet inneholder: Point - Nos. 0 og 4; Square - (2) GlenSteel Blanks; Flat - Nos. 36 og 39; Knife - No. 2; Round - Nos. 50 og 54. 9 graver totalt.
1049 NOK 54 kr 1 049,00 *
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager.
Mer enn 10 stk. på lager i USA
Spesifikasjoner: Firearm: Universal Skill Level: Novice Style: Gunsmithing

Top takeaways

  1. The Art of Engraving gir en komplett og detaljert introduksjon til kunsten å gravere våpen, fra grunnleggende spiraler til avanserte mønstre.
  2. Boken inneholder hundrevis av originale design, layouts og teknikker, med over 1378 fotografier og illustrasjoner for å veilede leseren.
  3. Inkluderer anbefalinger fra forfatteren James B. Meek om nødvendige verktøy for gravering, samt et spesialdesignet graveringssett for nybegynnere.


Firearm: Universal Skill Level: Novice Style: Gunsmithing Leveringsvekt: 0,998kg Frakthøyde: 20mm Fraktbredde: 224mm Fraktlengde: 282mm UPC : 050806102637


Made in USA

Lær kunsten å gravere våpen med "The Art of Engraving" 📚. En komplett guide for både nybegynnere og entusiaster. Skap unike design!

THE ART OF ENGRAVING brings to the reader - for the first time ever - a complete, authoritative, imaginative and detailed introduction and training in the art of gun engraving. It is a supremely unique book, for not only does it sweep aside the mystery which has surrounded engraving through the centuries, but it factually, simply and in layman's terms tells you how to engrave. Unlike so many so-called "instruction manuals", The Art of Engraving does not assume you know anything about engraving. You start at the beginning by learning to draw scrolls and layouts, then cut practice plates until you are sure enough of your ability to actually proceed to designing a pattern, transferring it to a gun and cutting it into the steel. Whether you want to learn to engrave now . . . think you might like to in the future . . . or simply wish to broaden your knowledge of the art to be able to better judge the work of others (as you will learn to tell the good from the bad - and know why), this is the book for you.Every gunsmith, gun lover or craftsman - no matter what his other calling - has the soul of an artist. This personal, creative urge can be easily directed into the highly renumerative field of gun engraving through the coaching, no-nonsense instructions and technical support in The Art of Engraving. Chapters include: Design and Layout; Materials; Anatomy; Lettering; The Camera; Beginning to Engrave; Advanced Engraving and The Gravermeister. Hundreds of original engravings, designs and layouts by the author (plus samples from other master engravers) to explain specific points and techniques. Much of the original work is intended for you to copy and transfer to your own guns to create an engraving job you can be proud of having done. 208 extremely handsome 8½" x 11" pages. Over 1378 photographs, drawings, designs, layouts and illustrations. Deluxe, hardbound cloth covers. Bound a special way to lie flat. Printed on finest, dull-finished, coated paper available. Extensive use of color to highlight designs, illustrations, pictures. Thoroughly cross-referenced index. Comprehensive listing of reference books of design, equipment, precious metals, books. Written to be used on your bench; magnificent enough for the parlor . . . but above all, intended to teach you how to engrave a gun.   We asked James B. Meek, author of The Art Of Engraving for his recommendations. This is what he wrote: "Perhaps 90% of all the scroll work in engraving can be done with the following tools". Point Graver No. 4 will cut most scrolls. Fine detail is cut with 0 Point. Knife No. 2 is also for detail. The Square is perhaps the most widely used, can also be sharpened as a point, or a chisel, Flat Nos. 36 and 37, and Round Nos. 50 and 54 are needed for lettering on high relief. Kit contains: Point - Nos. 0 and 4; Square - (2) GlenSteel Blanks; Flat - Nos. 36 and 39; Knife - No. 2; Round - Nos. 50 and 54. 9 gravers total.

SPECS: Engraving Kit - Approximately 4-3/8" (11.1cm) long. Shank tapers from 3/16" (4.8mm) to 1/16" (1.6mm). Blanks are 4" (10.2cm) long. Steel.

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