At last! Factory grade, ready-to-install, 4140 chrome moly barrels in popular calibers at a price that puts a custom-built sporter on a Mauser 98 action within everyone s reach. Compact, 24" length is great for fast-handling hunting rifles. Stress-relieved, button-rifled, right-hand twist barrels are short chambered, crowned, and fully threaded. All you have to do is finish chambering, set the headspace, and polish and blue the exterior.
SPECS: 4140 chrome moly steel, in-the-white. 1.1"-12tpi; V -type thread. 24" (61cm) long, 1.15" (2.9cm) diameter at breech, .57" (1.5cm) diameter at muzzle.
Høy Kvalitet, Verdi Priset, Klar Til Montering
Endelig! Fabrikkgraderte, klare-til-montering, 4140 krom moly løp i populære kalibre til en pris som gjør en skreddersydd sporter på en Mauser 98 handling tilgjengelig for alle. Kompakt, 24" lengde er flott for hurtighåndterende jaktgeværer. Stressavlastede, knapp-riflede, høyrehånds vridde løp er korte kamret, kronet, og fullstendig gjengede. Alt du trenger å gjøre er å fullføre kamreringen, sette headspace, og polere og blåne eksteriøret.
SPECS: 4140 krom moly stål, ubehandlet. 1.1"-12tpi; V-type gjenger. 24" (61cm) lang, 1.15" (2.9cm) diameter ved kammeret, .57" (1.5cm) diameter ved munningen.
Kundevurderinger for BROWNELLS SHORT CHAMBERED BARREL, 1-10 TWIST, .30-06
Antall vurderinger: 19
Fra 19
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 4,7
New life for my old 98(15.01.2010)
A very good economy barrel for someone who isn't afraid to finish, polish, and install for themselves. Exterior finish is pretty coarse, don't think it will make a tack driver due to it's thin profile, but that remains to be seen. Should make a good shooter, which is what will get my old 08 receiver out of the safe and into the woods and not break the bank.
Fantastic Value(30.04.2012)
I cut this barrel down to build a handy deer rifle. I took it to the range yesterday and couldn't be more pleased. I cut and recrowned this barrel down to 18.5" and installed a williams fire light front sight and receiver mounted rear peep. After about 20 rounds of break in/ cleaning and testing I began shooting 1.5" groups at 100yrds. I had no walking or stringing with warm up and this was all with some unknown 1989 issue military ammo. I shot 20 quick succession rounds and tore a 1.5" hole without even one flier. The finish is rough but I cleaned it up with an orbital sander and hand sanding to a nice mirror polish fairly quickly. I used my borescope to inspect the rifling and found it to be better than most factory barrels with nicely cut lands and grooves. Chamber was cut perfectly centered and required finish reaming to obtain proper headspace. I was going to build this rifle up to sell but now I think it may be sticking around for a while because I just found my new favorite shooter.
allways use these barrels(27.01.2010)
I use these barrels 25/06 30/06 95 precent of the time building 98 mauser coustom sporters i can find nothing wrong with them, polish,and blue,really good,both hot an cold, but the proof is in the pudding,eight guns 6 will shoot 1inch NOA.2 less than 3/4inchMOA at 100yards. Not bragging just facts
Great barrels(09.05.2010)
I removed the thread and rethreaded and rechambered it for a M-70 push feed.
It shoots just about an inch with the first load I tried.....Ballistic tips 100 grain.
I sent it out for bluing but very happy with the performance.
What a fit.(25.07.2010)
I like the looks of the 25-06 barrel.There was very little to fit,the threads were a perfect fit, the head space work was a breeze with finish reamer and head space guages I also purchased at Brownells. My sons and I built the stock to combine the Military with a thumb hole stock made of Mahogany. With high scope mounts and a 4-12 x 40mm Bushnell scope this is deadly hunting combination. This is a nail driver, the only bad thing about this new rifle I don't like, is I have to put it down to go to work. Thanks Brownells.
If you want to drive tacks at 100yds.(26.10.2011)
Target shooting and hunting. Dead on acuracy, perfect fit to action, looks like it was built to be in the stock stile I designed.The only not so hot thing I can find with this barrel is I can't shoot as much as I want to, I don't have enough time.
Great barrel(10.12.2012)
No faults with these barrels,I have shortened two of the 25/06 barrels and rechambered to 250 Savage and fit them to my single shot actions,Makes a great hunting gun shooting under one inch groups at hundred yards.Blues great and shoots as good as more costly barrels,Thanks for a great product.
Excellent. (30.03.2018)
was Sceptical if these would be any good. I had a commercial Mauser FN that was 25-06 and couldnt get it to group better than 1 1/2â so I bought this barrel and sat on it for about a year till the end of the next deer season. Man once I had the barrel out on the first load I tried 120 gr Speer gs 47 gr imr4350 was stacking one right after another. Left a jagged hole for a 5 shot group. Absolute great product for what you pay.
Center axis of bore was not concentric with secondary machine work. Threads and chamber were concentric but off center of the bore by about .0012" . All axes were parallel. Barrel shoots a nice round 2" five shot group at 100 yards in blue printed Mauser action, not too bad for hunting large game. Spend more money if you want a target barrel.
Good for the price(23.01.2017)
Barrel was installed on Belgian 98 action, shortened to 21" with a 11 degree crown, had light visible chatter in bore but after lapping and break in shoots just over 1 moa. Took on a plains game Safari in SA and shot great! Would have rated 5 stars, but shouldn't have to mitigate chatter in a barrel, granted it shoots well and cleans easily after some elbow grease.
I would but this barrel again(01.01.2010)
This is my first time building a rifle and the barrel fit the 98K receiver perfect, the short chamber was reamed by a finishing reamer from Brownells and it all worked out OK. I am in the process of assembling the rifle for test firing before finish is applied. I will update the results when completed
nice barrel(25.02.2011)
i was very impressed when i unwrapped the barrel and was very happy to find such a smooth bore, i've shot 3 groups thus far for break in purposes and i am really impressed at how easily the bore cleans up and how little jacket fouling i'm finding at this point. i haven't shot for groups yet as it's been below zero since i finished this up but i expect good things. blued beautifully too!
good shooter!(22.03.2011)
this is a follow up review as i have had time to shoot the rifle a bit more and am very happy with the accuracy of the barrel. i have only shot 100gr hornady's with 760 (thrown together for the sake of barrel break in, no load work involved) and it is giving 1" groups off a bulls bag. cleans nice and easy, doesn't copper foul much at all... very nice! i would definately buy again.
Great Buy(21.11.2011)
Bought this barrel for a VZ24 mauser project. bore and chamber was better than I expected and it shoots Sierra 140sbt into 1/2 inch holes at 100yds. For the money you can't go wrong.
Great Buy(04.12.2011)
Bought this barrel for a VZ24 action and it worked out great, shoots 140gr. sierra bullets with 1/2" groups at 100yds. For the money you can't go wrong
Accurate barrel(05.05.2013)
Chambered mine with a rented PTG reamer. Shoulder to breech face distance timed perfectly to my VZ-24. First shots came out under MOA with basic hand loads (140 Sierra MKs with RE22). Very satisfied with it.
"Shoe-shined" the barrel with 320 and 400 grit metal sandpaper to prep for blueing. Used Birchwood Casey paste Perma Blue and it took a nice deep color.
Only reason I gave it a 4 and not 5 stars is I would have liked the contour lighter. It could have been thinner towards the action end and saved a bunch of weight without being a whippy featherweight contour.
excellent value barrel(01.03.2016)
My first experience rebarreling to a 6.5x55. I' glad I went with the 24" from Brownells as others had short chambered ones for sale but all shorter versions. The chambering job with Brownells reamer went smooth, also a great value. At the range the thing shot like a dream with less than moa groups with Barnes 120gr bullets. Have'nt tried other bullet weights but "very" pleased with what I'm seeing so far. The barrel doesn't load up with copper either as some do with Barnes bullets. Excellent barrel that I would order again.
updated review(20.06.2016)
Just an update on my barrel performance: The barrel shoots tight little 1/2" groups with Barnes 100gr and 120gr TTSX bullets and does not copper foul at all. I'm also running max loads with IMR 4831 with no pressure signs on a hot day. Did I say I'm pleased, I'm very pleased! I'm eyeing over another mauser to do the same thing to, as this makes them into a sweet shooting long ranger killing machine. Did I say I'm pleased?
Barrel # 2(13.10.2016)
This is the second one of these that I have installed. This one I used on a 96 Swede action by turning the thread blank down and re-threading to fit the 96. The whole project success depends on how the thing shoots when done. This barrel did not disappoint! The groups with 100gr Barnes TTSX bullets were consistantly less than 3/4" at100yds and showing signs of better accuracy with more break in shooting. I am very pleased again.
Produktnr.: 080000378 BROWNELLS SHORT CHAMBERED BARREL, 1-10 TWIST, .30-06 Produsentnr.: NONE Endelig! Fabrikkgraderte, klare-til-montering, 4140 krom moly løp i populære kalibre til en pris som gjør en skreddersydd sporter på en Mauser 98 handling tilgjengelig for alle. Kompakt, 24" lengde er flott for hurtighåndterende jaktgeværer. Stressavlastede, knapp-riflede, høyrehånds vridde løp er korte kamret, kronet, og fullstendig gjengede. Alt du trenger å gjøre er å fullføre kamreringen, sette headspace, og polere og blåne eksteriøret.
2149NOK6kr 2 149,00
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager. 6 stk. på lageret i USA
Krav til kjøpetillatelse eller våpenkort og legitimasjon dersom kjøper har våpen i samme kaliber.(Original kjøpetillatelse må sendes pr post. Ordre blir ikke effektuert før kjøpetillatelse eller annen dokumentasjon foreligger))
Top takeaways
Fabrikkgraderte, klare-til-montering 4140 krom moly løp for Mauser 98, tilgjengelig i .30-06 Springfield.
Kompakt 24" lengde med 1-10 twist, stressavlastede og knapp-riflede løp som er korte kamret og fullstendig gjengede.
Alt du trenger å gjøre er å fullføre kamreringen, sette headspace, og polere og blåne eksteriøret.
Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.c
Erklæring om kontroll av destinasjon: Disse artiklene er underlagt kontroll av den amerikanske regjering og er kun godkjent for eksport til destinasjonslandet, for anvendelse av den endelige mottager eller sluttbruker(ene), heri identifisert. De skal ikke videreselges, overføres eller på annen måte avhendes til et annet land eller til en annen person enn den godkjente mottakeren eller sluttbrukeren(ene), enten i sin opprinnelige form eller etter innlemmelse i andre artikler, uten først å få godkjenning fra den amerikanske regjering eller dersom godkjennelse følger av amerikanske lover eller forskrifter.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Produktnr.: 080000374 BROWNELLS SHORT CHAMBERED BARREL, 1-9 TWIST, 6.5X55MM Produsentnr.: NONE Endelig! Fabrikkgraderte, klare-til-montering, 4140 krom moly løp i populære kalibre til en pris som gjør en skreddersydd sporter på en Mauser 98 handling tilgjengelig for alle. Kompakt, 24" lengde er flott for hurtighåndterende jaktgeværer. Stressavlastede, knapp-riflede, høyrehånds vridde løp er korte kamret, kronet, og fullstendig gjengede. Alt du trenger å gjøre er å fullføre kamreringen, sette headspace, og polere og blåne eksteriøret.
2499NOK41kr 2 499,00
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager. Mer enn 10 stk. på lager i USA
Spesifikasjoner:Barrel Weight: 2.8 lbsContour: FactoryFinish: UnfinishedKaliber: 6.5 x 55 mm Swedish MauserLengde: 24''Make: MauserModell: 98Twist: 1-9
Krav til kjøpetillatelse eller våpenkort og legitimasjon dersom kjøper har våpen i samme kaliber.(Original kjøpetillatelse må sendes pr post. Ordre blir ikke effektuert før kjøpetillatelse eller annen dokumentasjon foreligger))
Top takeaways
Fabrikkgraderte 4140 krom moly løp som er klare til montering på Mauser 98, med en lengde på 24".
De er stressavlastede, knapp-riflede, høyrehånds vridde og korte kamret, og veier 2.8 lbs.
Alt du trenger å gjøre er å fullføre kamreringen, sette headspace, og polere og blåne eksteriøret.
Barrel Vekt:
2.8 lbs
6.5 x 55 mm Swedish Mauser
Leveringsvekt: 1,315kgFrakthøyde: 25mmFraktbredde: 25mmFraktlengde: 660mm
Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.c
Erklæring om kontroll av destinasjon: Disse artiklene er underlagt kontroll av den amerikanske regjering og er kun godkjent for eksport til destinasjonslandet, for anvendelse av den endelige mottager eller sluttbruker(ene), heri identifisert. De skal ikke videreselges, overføres eller på annen måte avhendes til et annet land eller til en annen person enn den godkjente mottakeren eller sluttbrukeren(ene), enten i sin opprinnelige form eller etter innlemmelse i andre artikler, uten først å få godkjenning fra den amerikanske regjering eller dersom godkjennelse følger av amerikanske lover eller forskrifter.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Produktnr.: 080000377 BROWNELLS SHORT CHAMBERED BARREL, 1-10 TWIST, .25-06 REM. Produsentnr.: NONE Endelig! Fabrikkgraderte, klare-til-montering, 4140 krom moly løp i populære kalibre til en pris som gjør en skreddersydd sporter på en Mauser 98 handling tilgjengelig for alle. Kompakt, 24" lengde er flott for hurtighåndterende jaktgeværer. Stressavlastede, knapp-riflede, høyrehånds vridde løp er korte kamret, kronet, og fullstendig gjengede. Alt du trenger å gjøre er å fullføre kamreringen, sette headspace, og polere og blåne eksteriøret.
2149NOK2kr 2 149,00
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager. 2 stk. på lageret i USA
Krav til kjøpetillatelse eller våpenkort og legitimasjon dersom kjøper har våpen i samme kaliber.(Original kjøpetillatelse må sendes pr post. Ordre blir ikke effektuert før kjøpetillatelse eller annen dokumentasjon foreligger))
Top takeaways
Fabrikkgraderte, klare-til-montering 4140 krom moly løp for Mauser 98, tilgjengelig i populære kalibre.
Kompakt 24" lengde, stressavlastede, knapp-riflede, høyrehånds vridde løp som er korte kamret, kronet og gjengede.
Løpet krever ferdigstilling av kamrering, headspace-justering, samt polering og blåning av eksteriøret.
Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.c
Erklæring om kontroll av destinasjon: Disse artiklene er underlagt kontroll av den amerikanske regjering og er kun godkjent for eksport til destinasjonslandet, for anvendelse av den endelige mottager eller sluttbruker(ene), heri identifisert. De skal ikke videreselges, overføres eller på annen måte avhendes til et annet land eller til en annen person enn den godkjente mottakeren eller sluttbrukeren(ene), enten i sin opprinnelige form eller etter innlemmelse i andre artikler, uten først å få godkjenning fra den amerikanske regjering eller dersom godkjennelse følger av amerikanske lover eller forskrifter.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Produktnr.: 080000376 BROWNELLS SHORT CHAMBERED BARREL, 1-10 TWIST, .308 WIN. Produsentnr.: NONE Endelig! Fabrikkgraderte, klare-til-montering, 4140 krom moly løp i populære kalibre til en pris som gjør en skreddersydd sporter på en Mauser 98 handling tilgjengelig for alle. Kompakt, 24" lengde er flott for hurtighåndterende jaktgeværer. Stressavlastede, knapp-riflede, høyrehånds vridde løp er korte kamret, kronet, og fullstendig gjengede. Alt du trenger å gjøre er å fullføre kamreringen, sette headspace, og polere og blåne eksteriøret.
2549NOK28kr 2 549,00
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager. Mer enn 10 stk. på lager i USA
Krav til kjøpetillatelse eller våpenkort og legitimasjon dersom kjøper har våpen i samme kaliber.(Original kjøpetillatelse må sendes pr post. Ordre blir ikke effektuert før kjøpetillatelse eller annen dokumentasjon foreligger))
Top takeaways
Fabrikkgraderte, klare-til-montering 4140 krom moly løp for Mauser 98, tilgjengelig i .308 Winchester.
Kompakt 24" lengde med 1-10 twist, stressavlastet og knapp-riflet, korte kamret og fullstendig gjengede løp.
Trenger bare å fullføre kamreringen, sette headspace, og polere og blåne eksteriøret før bruk.
Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.c
Erklæring om kontroll av destinasjon: Disse artiklene er underlagt kontroll av den amerikanske regjering og er kun godkjent for eksport til destinasjonslandet, for anvendelse av den endelige mottager eller sluttbruker(ene), heri identifisert. De skal ikke videreselges, overføres eller på annen måte avhendes til et annet land eller til en annen person enn den godkjente mottakeren eller sluttbrukeren(ene), enten i sin opprinnelige form eller etter innlemmelse i andre artikler, uten først å få godkjenning fra den amerikanske regjering eller dersom godkjennelse følger av amerikanske lover eller forskrifter.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Oppdag Brownells SHORT CHAMBERED MAUSER BARREL! 🏹 Perfekt for jakt med 24" lengde og 1-10 twist. Kvalitet for alle!
At last! Factory grade, ready-to-install, 4140 chrome moly barrels in popular calibers at a price that puts a custom-built sporter on a Mauser 98 action within everyone s reach. Compact, 24" length is great for fast-handling hunting rifles. Stress-relieved, button-rifled, right-hand twist barrels are short chambered, crowned, and fully threaded. All you have to do is finish chambering, set the headspace, and polish and blue the exterior.
SPECS: 4140 chrome moly steel, in-the-white. 1.1"-12tpi; V -type thread. 24" (61cm) long, 1.15" (2.9cm) diameter at breech, .57" (1.5cm) diameter at muzzle.
Høy Kvalitet, Verdi Priset, Klar Til Montering
Endelig! Fabrikkgraderte, klare-til-montering, 4140 krom moly løp i populære kalibre til en pris som gjør en skreddersydd sporter på en Mauser 98 handling tilgjengelig for alle. Kompakt, 24" lengde er flott for hurtighåndterende jaktgeværer. Stressavlastede, knapp-riflede, høyrehånds vridde løp er korte kamret, kronet, og fullstendig gjengede. Alt du trenger å gjøre er å fullføre kamreringen, sette headspace, og polere og blåne eksteriøret.
SPECS: 4140 krom moly stål, ubehandlet. 1.1"-12tpi; V-type gjenger. 24" (61cm) lang, 1.15" (2.9cm) diameter ved kammeret, .57" (1.5cm) diameter ved munningen.
Kundevurderinger for BROWNELLS SHORT CHAMBERED BARREL, 1-10 TWIST, .30-06
Antall vurderinger: 19
Fra 19
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 4,7
New life for my old 98(15.01.2010)
A very good economy barrel for someone who isn't afraid to finish, polish, and install for themselves. Exterior finish is pretty coarse, don't think it will make a tack driver due to it's thin profile, but that remains to be seen. Should make a good shooter, which is what will get my old 08 receiver out of the safe and into the woods and not break the bank.
Fantastic Value(30.04.2012)
I cut this barrel down to build a handy deer rifle. I took it to the range yesterday and couldn't be more pleased. I cut and recrowned this barrel down to 18.5" and installed a williams fire light front sight and receiver mounted rear peep. After about 20 rounds of break in/ cleaning and testing I began shooting 1.5" groups at 100yrds. I had no walking or stringing with warm up and this was all with some unknown 1989 issue military ammo. I shot 20 quick succession rounds and tore a 1.5" hole without even one flier. The finish is rough but I cleaned it up with an orbital sander and hand sanding to a nice mirror polish fairly quickly. I used my borescope to inspect the rifling and found it to be better than most factory barrels with nicely cut lands and grooves. Chamber was cut perfectly centered and required finish reaming to obtain proper headspace. I was going to build this rifle up to sell but now I think it may be sticking around for a while because I just found my new favorite shooter.
allways use these barrels(27.01.2010)
I use these barrels 25/06 30/06 95 precent of the time building 98 mauser coustom sporters i can find nothing wrong with them, polish,and blue,really good,both hot an cold, but the proof is in the pudding,eight guns 6 will shoot 1inch NOA.2 less than 3/4inchMOA at 100yards. Not bragging just facts
Great barrels(09.05.2010)
I removed the thread and rethreaded and rechambered it for a M-70 push feed.
It shoots just about an inch with the first load I tried.....Ballistic tips 100 grain.
I sent it out for bluing but very happy with the performance.
What a fit.(25.07.2010)
I like the looks of the 25-06 barrel.There was very little to fit,the threads were a perfect fit, the head space work was a breeze with finish reamer and head space guages I also purchased at Brownells. My sons and I built the stock to combine the Military with a thumb hole stock made of Mahogany. With high scope mounts and a 4-12 x 40mm Bushnell scope this is deadly hunting combination. This is a nail driver, the only bad thing about this new rifle I don't like, is I have to put it down to go to work. Thanks Brownells.
If you want to drive tacks at 100yds.(26.10.2011)
Target shooting and hunting. Dead on acuracy, perfect fit to action, looks like it was built to be in the stock stile I designed.The only not so hot thing I can find with this barrel is I can't shoot as much as I want to, I don't have enough time.
Great barrel(10.12.2012)
No faults with these barrels,I have shortened two of the 25/06 barrels and rechambered to 250 Savage and fit them to my single shot actions,Makes a great hunting gun shooting under one inch groups at hundred yards.Blues great and shoots as good as more costly barrels,Thanks for a great product.
Excellent. (30.03.2018)
was Sceptical if these would be any good. I had a commercial Mauser FN that was 25-06 and couldnt get it to group better than 1 1/2â so I bought this barrel and sat on it for about a year till the end of the next deer season. Man once I had the barrel out on the first load I tried 120 gr Speer gs 47 gr imr4350 was stacking one right after another. Left a jagged hole for a 5 shot group. Absolute great product for what you pay.
Center axis of bore was not concentric with secondary machine work. Threads and chamber were concentric but off center of the bore by about .0012" . All axes were parallel. Barrel shoots a nice round 2" five shot group at 100 yards in blue printed Mauser action, not too bad for hunting large game. Spend more money if you want a target barrel.
Good for the price(23.01.2017)
Barrel was installed on Belgian 98 action, shortened to 21" with a 11 degree crown, had light visible chatter in bore but after lapping and break in shoots just over 1 moa. Took on a plains game Safari in SA and shot great! Would have rated 5 stars, but shouldn't have to mitigate chatter in a barrel, granted it shoots well and cleans easily after some elbow grease.
I would but this barrel again(01.01.2010)
This is my first time building a rifle and the barrel fit the 98K receiver perfect, the short chamber was reamed by a finishing reamer from Brownells and it all worked out OK. I am in the process of assembling the rifle for test firing before finish is applied. I will update the results when completed
nice barrel(25.02.2011)
i was very impressed when i unwrapped the barrel and was very happy to find such a smooth bore, i've shot 3 groups thus far for break in purposes and i am really impressed at how easily the bore cleans up and how little jacket fouling i'm finding at this point. i haven't shot for groups yet as it's been below zero since i finished this up but i expect good things. blued beautifully too!
good shooter!(22.03.2011)
this is a follow up review as i have had time to shoot the rifle a bit more and am very happy with the accuracy of the barrel. i have only shot 100gr hornady's with 760 (thrown together for the sake of barrel break in, no load work involved) and it is giving 1" groups off a bulls bag. cleans nice and easy, doesn't copper foul much at all... very nice! i would definately buy again.
Great Buy(21.11.2011)
Bought this barrel for a VZ24 mauser project. bore and chamber was better than I expected and it shoots Sierra 140sbt into 1/2 inch holes at 100yds. For the money you can't go wrong.
Great Buy(04.12.2011)
Bought this barrel for a VZ24 action and it worked out great, shoots 140gr. sierra bullets with 1/2" groups at 100yds. For the money you can't go wrong
Accurate barrel(05.05.2013)
Chambered mine with a rented PTG reamer. Shoulder to breech face distance timed perfectly to my VZ-24. First shots came out under MOA with basic hand loads (140 Sierra MKs with RE22). Very satisfied with it.
"Shoe-shined" the barrel with 320 and 400 grit metal sandpaper to prep for blueing. Used Birchwood Casey paste Perma Blue and it took a nice deep color.
Only reason I gave it a 4 and not 5 stars is I would have liked the contour lighter. It could have been thinner towards the action end and saved a bunch of weight without being a whippy featherweight contour.
excellent value barrel(01.03.2016)
My first experience rebarreling to a 6.5x55. I' glad I went with the 24" from Brownells as others had short chambered ones for sale but all shorter versions. The chambering job with Brownells reamer went smooth, also a great value. At the range the thing shot like a dream with less than moa groups with Barnes 120gr bullets. Have'nt tried other bullet weights but "very" pleased with what I'm seeing so far. The barrel doesn't load up with copper either as some do with Barnes bullets. Excellent barrel that I would order again.
updated review(20.06.2016)
Just an update on my barrel performance: The barrel shoots tight little 1/2" groups with Barnes 100gr and 120gr TTSX bullets and does not copper foul at all. I'm also running max loads with IMR 4831 with no pressure signs on a hot day. Did I say I'm pleased, I'm very pleased! I'm eyeing over another mauser to do the same thing to, as this makes them into a sweet shooting long ranger killing machine. Did I say I'm pleased?
Barrel # 2(13.10.2016)
This is the second one of these that I have installed. This one I used on a 96 Swede action by turning the thread blank down and re-threading to fit the 96. The whole project success depends on how the thing shoots when done. This barrel did not disappoint! The groups with 100gr Barnes TTSX bullets were consistantly less than 3/4" at100yds and showing signs of better accuracy with more break in shooting. I am very pleased again.