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050806102613 108001003
An All New, Invaluable Tool For Any Gun Worker ... Knowledge You Can't Find In Any Other Book Or Source
I know you're going to love this book - period. That's not saying it's better than Kinks® and Kinks® II, because they are both fantastic in their own right. Gunsmith Kinks® III continues their legacy of being the finest collection of experience you need to make your gunsmithing, gun-loving and gun-fiddling more rewarding, more fun and more successful. Following the highly acclaimed Gunsmith Kinks® and Gunsmith Kinks® II, this latest addition to the collection brings you all the Kinks®, cures to problems, jigs and fixtures, shop suggestions, cartoons and jokes that appeared in the Newsletter during the 10 years since Kinks® II was published. Plus, we've included unpublished Kinks® from the files that haven't appeared in the Newsletter prior to publish date because of their length. Every one is shop developed and written in the words of the men who did the work. By himself, no one individual could possibly come up with all of these extraordinarily helpful bits of wisdom; no one guy can live long enough or see enough guns through his shop. With the combined, world-wide collection of knowledge we have for you in Gunsmith Kinks® III, you get the handy collection of information. Now, when a problem comes up in your shop that really causes you grief, sure as the world, someone else has been faced with that same problem, figured out a cure, and unselfishly sent that cure along to us for one our four volumes. What great stuff it is!! For instance, we have detailed instructions on glass bedding synthetic stocks; how to properly do pillar bedding; cleaning oil-soaked stocks; extensive instructions for installing pre-threaded, short-chambered barrels; removing frozen choke tubes; a specification and hole-spacing chart for Weaver scope mount bases; 80 pages of instructions and suggestions on bluing, plating and parkerizing and over 400 listings of "Private Label" guns cross-referenced to their original manufacturer's counterparts. Then, 50+ pages of clever, time-saving shop/bench ideas from neat ways to build cleaning systems and sandblast cabinets, to removing rusty recoil pad screws, to making and using some mighty clever jigs and fixtures, to "you-name-it". 260 detailed photographs and drawings - 512 pages - with 778 separate subject headings. Deluxe, heavy-duty hardcover, sewn binding, 3600 entry index, cross-indexed with the original Gunsmith Kinks® and Gunsmith Kinks® II. Plus, all the jokes "The Newsletter" has become famous for!

Quantity prices available. Please call or write.

649 649 1 NOK
Produktnr.: 108001003
Produsentnr.: NONE 050806102613 Jeg vet at du kommer til å elske denne boken - punktum. Det er ikke det samme som å si at den er bedre enn Kinks® og Kinks® II, for de er begge fantastiske på sin egen måte. Gunsmith Kinks® III fortsetter deres arv som den fineste samlingen av erfaring du trenger for å gjøre ditt børsemakerarbeid, våpenkjærlighet og våpenfiksing mer givende, morsommere og mer vellykket. I tråd med den høyt anerkjente Gunsmith Kinks® og Gunsmith Kinks® II, bringer denne nyeste tilføyelsen til samlingen deg alle Kinks®, løsninger på problemer, jig og innretninger, verkstedforslag, tegneserier og vitser som dukket opp i Nyhetsbrevet i løpet av de 10 årene siden Kinks® II ble publisert. Pluss, vi har inkludert upubliserte Kinks® fra arkivene som ikke har dukket opp i Nyhetsbrevet før utgivelsesdatoen på grunn av deres lengde. Hver enkelt er utviklet i verkstedet og skrevet med ordene til mennene som gjorde jobben. Alene kunne ingen enkeltperson muligens komme opp med alle disse ekstraordinært nyttige visdomsordene; ingen fyr kan leve lenge nok eller se nok våpen gjennom sitt verksted. Med den kombinerte, verdensomspennende samlingen av kunnskap vi har for deg i Gunsmith Kinks® III, får du den hendige samlingen av informasjon. Nå, når et problem dukker opp i ditt verksted som virkelig gir deg hodebry, så sikkert som verden, har noen andre stått overfor det samme problemet, funnet ut en kur, og uselvisk sendt den kuren til oss for en av våre fire volumer. Hvilket flott stoff det er!! For eksempel har vi detaljerte instruksjoner om glassbedding av syntetiske skjefter; hvordan man riktig utfører pillar bedding; rengjøring av oljesølte skjefter; omfattende instruksjoner for installering av forhåndsgjengede, kort-kammerede løp; fjerning av fastfrosne choke-tuber; en spesifikasjon og hullavstandsdiagram for Weaver kikkertmontasjebaser; 80 sider med instruksjoner og forslag om blånering, platering og parkerisering og over 400 oppføringer av "Private Label" våpen kryssreferert til deres originale produsenters motstykker. Deretter, 50+ sider med smarte, tidsbesparende verksted/benkideer fra smarte måter å bygge rengjøringssystemer og sandblåseskap, til å fjerne rustne rekylputeskruer, til å lage og bruke noen mektig smarte jig og innretninger, til "du-navner-det". 260 detaljerte fotografier og tegninger - 512 sider - med 778 separate emneoverskrifter. Deluxe, slitesterk hardcover, sydd binding, 3600 oppføringsindeks, kryssindeksert med de originale Gunsmith Kinks® og Gunsmith Kinks® II. Pluss, alle vitsene "Nyhetsbrevet" har blitt kjent for!
519.2 NOK 335 kr 519,20 *
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager.
Mer enn 10 stk. på lager i USA
Spesifikasjoner: Firearm: Universal Skill Level: Amateur Style: Gunsmithing

Top takeaways

  1. Gunsmith Kinks® III inneholder en omfattende samling av løsninger, jig og innretninger, og verkstedforslag for å forbedre børsemakerarbeid.
  2. Boken inkluderer detaljerte instruksjoner for glassbedding, pillar bedding, rengjøring av oljesølte skjefter, og installering av forhåndsgjengede løp, samt mange andre teknikker.
  3. Med 260 fotografier og tegninger, 512 sider, og 778 emneoverskrifter, tilbyr denne deluxe hardcover-utgaven en uvurderlig ressurs for både amatører og profesjonelle.


Firearm: Universal Skill Level: Amateur Style: Gunsmithing Leveringsvekt: 0,794kg Frakthøyde: 38mm Fraktbredde: 152mm Fraktlengde: 224mm UPC : 050806102613


Made in USA

Oppdag Gunsmith Kinks® Volume III! 📚 En uunnværlig samling av tips og løsninger for amatør børsemakere. Perfekt for våpenfiksing!

An All New, Invaluable Tool For Any Gun Worker ... Knowledge You Can't Find In Any Other Book Or Source
I know you're going to love this book - period. That's not saying it's better than Kinks® and Kinks® II, because they are both fantastic in their own right. Gunsmith Kinks® III continues their legacy of being the finest collection of experience you need to make your gunsmithing, gun-loving and gun-fiddling more rewarding, more fun and more successful. Following the highly acclaimed Gunsmith Kinks® and Gunsmith Kinks® II, this latest addition to the collection brings you all the Kinks®, cures to problems, jigs and fixtures, shop suggestions, cartoons and jokes that appeared in the Newsletter during the 10 years since Kinks® II was published. Plus, we've included unpublished Kinks® from the files that haven't appeared in the Newsletter prior to publish date because of their length. Every one is shop developed and written in the words of the men who did the work. By himself, no one individual could possibly come up with all of these extraordinarily helpful bits of wisdom; no one guy can live long enough or see enough guns through his shop. With the combined, world-wide collection of knowledge we have for you in Gunsmith Kinks® III, you get the handy collection of information. Now, when a problem comes up in your shop that really causes you grief, sure as the world, someone else has been faced with that same problem, figured out a cure, and unselfishly sent that cure along to us for one our four volumes. What great stuff it is!! For instance, we have detailed instructions on glass bedding synthetic stocks; how to properly do pillar bedding; cleaning oil-soaked stocks; extensive instructions for installing pre-threaded, short-chambered barrels; removing frozen choke tubes; a specification and hole-spacing chart for Weaver scope mount bases; 80 pages of instructions and suggestions on bluing, plating and parkerizing and over 400 listings of "Private Label" guns cross-referenced to their original manufacturer's counterparts. Then, 50+ pages of clever, time-saving shop/bench ideas from neat ways to build cleaning systems and sandblast cabinets, to removing rusty recoil pad screws, to making and using some mighty clever jigs and fixtures, to "you-name-it". 260 detailed photographs and drawings - 512 pages - with 778 separate subject headings. Deluxe, heavy-duty hardcover, sewn binding, 3600 entry index, cross-indexed with the original Gunsmith Kinks® and Gunsmith Kinks® II. Plus, all the jokes "The Newsletter" has become famous for!

Quantity prices available. Please call or write.

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kr 799,00