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050806102590 108001001
Written By 600 Men Who Know - Men Who Do ... An Endless Fountain of Knowledge Covering Firearm Care
So fascinating that if you like guns at all you will be unable to lay it down - so valuable that if you think only about guns, you might consider becoming a bachelor again before parting with it! NOTHING LIKE GUNSMITH KINKS® HAS EVER BEEN DONE BEFORE - NOR CAN IT BE DUPLICATED Between its covers are the jewels and gems, the intimate trade secrets of the country's leading full-and part-time gunsmiths, writers and basic authorities - proving that no one man can know all the answers - written in the language of the gun shop - so "gunsmithy" it even smells of bore cleaner. Collected and squirreled away by Bob Brownell during 30 years association with the nations best! Edited by Frank Brownell. Published by popular demand of the professional gunsmith trade for their own in-shop use. FOR THE HUNTER - it is worth its weight in gold - just one of the many in-field "Service Kinks®" by someone who has already solved the problem could save your hunt! FOR THE TARGET SHOOTER - Any of the numerous accuracy gimmicks by the men who build the winners could bring those extra points for you when the chips are down. FOR THE HOBBYIST - A Mother Lode of ideas and suggestions 100 men couldn't live long enough to develop. You will revel in the many ways to handle those touchy jobs that can cost you hours of work or a ruined gun if you don't know the answer. FOR THE MILLIONS OF GUN BUFFS Here is how the gunsmiths do those wondrous jobs. Knowing is understanding and appreciating their great skill and unbelievable ingenuity. More than ever, you will wonder how they can do it so beautifully without charging more! A Book you will truly treasure! Especially written, detailed, illustrated "how-to" articles in such special fields as . . . The Art of the Master Metal Polisher ... Basics of Engraving ... Rust and Chemical Bluing ... Tool Sharpening by the Masters ... Barrel Turning and Chambering ... Regular and Electric Checkering ... Stock Designs, plus many, many more. 317 Detailed photographs, blueprints and drawings - 504 pages with 609 separate subject headings. Deluxe, heavy-duty, hard cover, sewn binding. Buckram-linen cover. 1268 entry Cross Index! Plus, all the jokes the gunsmiths have laughed at over the years. Recipes for foods that have tickled their gullets, and cartoons that have tickled their bellies!

Quantity prices available. Please call or write.

459 459 1 NOK
Produktnr.: 108001001
Produsentnr.: NONE 050806102590 Så fascinerende at hvis du liker våpen i det hele tatt, vil du være ute av stand til å legge den fra deg - så verdifull at hvis du bare tenker på våpen, kan du vurdere å bli ungkar igjen før du skiller deg med den! INGENTING SOM GUNSMITH KINKS® HAR NOENSINNE VÆRT GJORT FØR - ELLER KAN DUPLISERES Mellom dens permer er juvelene og edelstenene, de intime handelshemmelighetene til landets ledende heltids- og deltids børsemakere, forfattere og grunnleggende autoriteter - som beviser at ingen mann kan kjenne alle svarene - skrevet på språket til våpenverkstedet - så "børsemakersk" at det til og med lukter av løpsrenser. Samlet og gjemt bort av Bob Brownell i løpet av 30 års samarbeid med nasjonens beste! Redigert av Frank Brownell. Publisert etter populær etterspørsel fra det profesjonelle børsemakerfaget for deres egen bruk i verkstedet. FOR JEGERN - den er verdt sin vekt i gull - bare en av de mange felt-"Service Kinks®" av noen som allerede har løst problemet kunne redde jakten din! FOR MÅLSKYTTEREN - Enhver av de mange nøyaktighetsgimmickene av mennene som bygger vinnerne kunne bringe de ekstra poengene for deg når det gjelder. FOR HOBBYISTEN - En gullgruve av ideer og forslag 100 menn ikke kunne leve lenge nok til å utvikle. Du vil fryde deg over de mange måtene å håndtere de vanskelige jobbene som kan koste deg timer med arbeid eller et ødelagt våpen hvis du ikke kjenner svaret. FOR DE MILLIONENE AV VÅPENENTUSIASTER Her er hvordan børsemakerne gjør de fantastiske jobbene. Å vite er å forstå og sette pris på deres store dyktighet og utrolige oppfinnsomhet. Mer enn noensinne, vil du lure på hvordan de kan gjøre det så vakkert uten å kreve mer! En bok du virkelig vil sette pris på! Spesielt skrevet, detaljerte, illustrerte "hvordan-å" artikler i slike spesialfelt som... Kunsten til Mester Metallpolerer... Grunnleggende i Gravering... Rust og Kjemisk Blånering... Verktøy Sliping av Mestrene... Løpsdreining og Kammering... Vanlig og Elektrisk Sjekkering... Lagerdesign, pluss mange, mange flere. 317 Detaljerte fotografier, blåkopier og tegninger - 504 sider med 609 separate emneoverskrifter. Deluxe, kraftig, hardt omslag, sydd innbinding. Buckram-lin dekselet. 1268 oppføring Kryssindeks! Pluss, alle vitsene børsemakerne har ledd av gjennom årene. Oppskrifter på mat som har kilt i deres ganer, og tegneserier som har kilt i deres mager!
459 NOK 3 810 kr 459,00 *
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager.
Mer enn 10 stk. på lager i USA
Spesifikasjoner: Firearm: Universal Skill Level: Amateur Style: Gunsmithing

Top takeaways

  1. Inneholder verdifulle "hvordan-å" artikler og tips fra topp børsemakere, som dekker emner som metallpolering, gravering, blånere og løpsdreining.
  2. En uvurderlig ressurs for jegere, målskyttere og våpenhobbyister, med over 600 emner og 317 detaljerte fotografier.
  3. Deluxe hardt omslag, sydd innbinding, med humoristiske innslag og oppskrifter fra børsemakere.


Firearm: Universal Skill Level: Amateur Style: Gunsmithing Leveringsvekt: 0,839kg Frakthøyde: 38mm Fraktbredde: 147mm Fraktlengde: 224mm UPC : 050806102590


Made in USA

Oppdag GUNSMITH KINKS® VOLUME I 📚, en uvurderlig ressurs for våpenentusiaster med detaljerte tips og hemmeligheter fra eksperter!

Written By 600 Men Who Know - Men Who Do ... An Endless Fountain of Knowledge Covering Firearm Care
So fascinating that if you like guns at all you will be unable to lay it down - so valuable that if you think only about guns, you might consider becoming a bachelor again before parting with it! NOTHING LIKE GUNSMITH KINKS® HAS EVER BEEN DONE BEFORE - NOR CAN IT BE DUPLICATED Between its covers are the jewels and gems, the intimate trade secrets of the country's leading full-and part-time gunsmiths, writers and basic authorities - proving that no one man can know all the answers - written in the language of the gun shop - so "gunsmithy" it even smells of bore cleaner. Collected and squirreled away by Bob Brownell during 30 years association with the nations best! Edited by Frank Brownell. Published by popular demand of the professional gunsmith trade for their own in-shop use. FOR THE HUNTER - it is worth its weight in gold - just one of the many in-field "Service Kinks®" by someone who has already solved the problem could save your hunt! FOR THE TARGET SHOOTER - Any of the numerous accuracy gimmicks by the men who build the winners could bring those extra points for you when the chips are down. FOR THE HOBBYIST - A Mother Lode of ideas and suggestions 100 men couldn't live long enough to develop. You will revel in the many ways to handle those touchy jobs that can cost you hours of work or a ruined gun if you don't know the answer. FOR THE MILLIONS OF GUN BUFFS Here is how the gunsmiths do those wondrous jobs. Knowing is understanding and appreciating their great skill and unbelievable ingenuity. More than ever, you will wonder how they can do it so beautifully without charging more! A Book you will truly treasure! Especially written, detailed, illustrated "how-to" articles in such special fields as . . . The Art of the Master Metal Polisher ... Basics of Engraving ... Rust and Chemical Bluing ... Tool Sharpening by the Masters ... Barrel Turning and Chambering ... Regular and Electric Checkering ... Stock Designs, plus many, many more. 317 Detailed photographs, blueprints and drawings - 504 pages with 609 separate subject headings. Deluxe, heavy-duty, hard cover, sewn binding. Buckram-linen cover. 1268 entry Cross Index! Plus, all the jokes the gunsmiths have laughed at over the years. Recipes for foods that have tickled their gullets, and cartoons that have tickled their bellies!

Quantity prices available. Please call or write.

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