If you’ve ever tried to field strip your Glock® with even slightly oily or sweaty fingers, you’ll appreciate the benefit of this extended slide lock lever. Drop-in replacement is 3mm longer than the factory original part to provide a firmer grasp, so you can remove the slide quickly without fumbling with the lever. No gunsmithing required; easy to install, no permanent alterations to the gun. Gun will still fit all standard holsters.
SPECS: Steel, black oxide finish. 13⁄32" (29.9mm) long. Fits all Glock pistols except 36,42 & 43.
Enklere fjerning av sleide for raskere feltstripping
Hvis du noen gang har prøvd å demontere Glock® din med selv litt oljete eller svette fingre, vil du sette pris på fordelen med denne forlengede slidelåsspalten. Direkte erstatning er 3mm lengre enn den originale fabrikkdelen for å gi et fastere grep, slik at du kan fjerne sleiden raskt uten å famle med spaken. Ingen børsemaker nødvendig; enkel å installere, ingen permanente endringer på våpenet. Våpenet vil fortsatt passe til alle standard hylstre.
SPECS: Stål, sort oksidfinish. 13⁄32" (29.9mm) lang. Passer til alle Glock pistoler unntatt 36,42 & 43.
Antall vurderinger: 11
Fra brownells.com: 11
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 5
Get one for your Glock!(26.08.2009)
Very easy to install. Works MUCH better than the Glock OEM part which has gripping surfaces that barely protrude from the frame. Although the LWD version is wider and the gripping surfaces stick out further, it's still flush with the frame and therefore won't interfere with holstering.
Easy install, better function(12.11.2009)
This drop-in replacement part really enhances the take-down speed and ease of any GLOCK. It's as easy to install as taking off the slide, pressing down on the slide lock spring, let the old fall out, insert new with locking face towards rear of frame, and push in until lock spring springs into place. Bing badda boom, you're done!
As the previous reviewed said, this increases your grip purchase during take-down, but doesn't extend past the profile of the frame, so it doesn't catch on anything or interfere with holstering and normal use.
Great product. I install it on all GLOCKS I work on and will continue to do so.
Worth Every Penny, 30 sec. Install(13.03.2010)
The extra 1.5mm on each side makes the biggest difference in the world for ease of access. Didn't think it would make that big of a difference, boy was I wrong. Sits pretty much flush with the frame (protrudes about 1/2mm out of frame, cant tell unless you really look closely). Great piece, easy on the finger and thumb, its a must have.
Great fit and finish(19.07.2012)
Can't say enough about this product. You get a lot of bang for your buck. Very affordable upgrade to any glock. I was impressed with it's matte gloss finish. Easy to install.
Extended slide lock lever(28.03.2015)
Best for field strip, Best length, works, good.
Extended Slide Lock Lever(05.01.2016)
This extended slide lock lever should've been installed in every Glock at the factory. This item makes field stripping my Glock 17 immensely easier.
Perfect Fit(31.05.2016)
Fits perfectly. Very easy to install. Extends far enough to make it much easier to take down but not far enough that it will snag on anything. Very happy with product. plan to purchase for all my Glocks.
Awesome Inexpensive Upgrade(13.10.2016)
Must Have(29.01.2017)
easier takedown(27.02.2017)
I have arthritis in my hands that makes everything that requires manual dexterity more difficult. The extended lever solves admittedly just one of those. Some have said that it causes snagging, but I have not found that to be the case. An inexpensive fix for a big problem, at least for me.
Must Have (28.08.2017)
I consider the Lone Wolf Extended Slide Lock Lever a "must have" upgrade. The installation is very simple: Depress the spring and the OEM lever falls out. The Lone Wolf lever slides right in with the rail/cutout facing the "active" shooter. You can actually grasp the tabs with your thumb. Excellent quality part. You don't need to worry about getting poked with the tabs while carrying because that portion will actually be inside your holster. And if they weren't covered by the holster, I still find it hard to believe that you'd feel them anymore than the rest of the pistol.
Produktnr.: 100002412 LONE WOLF DIST. EXTENDED SLIDE LOCK LEVER FOR GLOCK® Produsentnr.: LWD-ESLL859193000706 Hvis du noen gang har prøvd å demontere Glock® din med selv litt oljete eller svette fingre, vil du sette pris på fordelen med denne forlengede slidelåsspalten. Direkte erstatning er 3mm lengre enn den originale fabrikkdelen for å gi et fastere grep, slik at du kan fjerne sleiden raskt uten å famle med spaken. Ingen børsemaker nødvendig; enkel å installere, ingen permanente endringer på våpenet. Våpenet vil fortsatt passe til alle standard hylstre.
269NOK66kr 269,00
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager. Mer enn 10 stk. på lager i USA
Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.x
Erklæring om kontroll av destinasjon: Disse artiklene er underlagt kontroll av den amerikanske regjering og er kun godkjent for eksport til destinasjonslandet, for anvendelse av den endelige mottager eller sluttbruker(ene), heri identifisert. De skal ikke videreselges, overføres eller på annen måte avhendes til et annet land eller til en annen person enn den godkjente mottakeren eller sluttbrukeren(ene), enten i sin opprinnelige form eller etter innlemmelse i andre artikler, uten først å få godkjenning fra den amerikanske regjering eller dersom godkjennelse følger av amerikanske lover eller forskrifter.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Opplev enkel demontering av Glock® med vår forlengede slidelåsspalte. 🔧 Enkel installasjon og bedre grep for alle modeller!
If you’ve ever tried to field strip your Glock® with even slightly oily or sweaty fingers, you’ll appreciate the benefit of this extended slide lock lever. Drop-in replacement is 3mm longer than the factory original part to provide a firmer grasp, so you can remove the slide quickly without fumbling with the lever. No gunsmithing required; easy to install, no permanent alterations to the gun. Gun will still fit all standard holsters.
SPECS: Steel, black oxide finish. 13⁄32" (29.9mm) long. Fits all Glock pistols except 36,42 & 43.
Enklere fjerning av sleide for raskere feltstripping
Hvis du noen gang har prøvd å demontere Glock® din med selv litt oljete eller svette fingre, vil du sette pris på fordelen med denne forlengede slidelåsspalten. Direkte erstatning er 3mm lengre enn den originale fabrikkdelen for å gi et fastere grep, slik at du kan fjerne sleiden raskt uten å famle med spaken. Ingen børsemaker nødvendig; enkel å installere, ingen permanente endringer på våpenet. Våpenet vil fortsatt passe til alle standard hylstre.
SPECS: Stål, sort oksidfinish. 13⁄32" (29.9mm) lang. Passer til alle Glock pistoler unntatt 36,42 & 43.
Antall vurderinger: 11
Fra brownells.com: 11
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 5
Get one for your Glock!(26.08.2009)
Very easy to install. Works MUCH better than the Glock OEM part which has gripping surfaces that barely protrude from the frame. Although the LWD version is wider and the gripping surfaces stick out further, it's still flush with the frame and therefore won't interfere with holstering.
Easy install, better function(12.11.2009)
This drop-in replacement part really enhances the take-down speed and ease of any GLOCK. It's as easy to install as taking off the slide, pressing down on the slide lock spring, let the old fall out, insert new with locking face towards rear of frame, and push in until lock spring springs into place. Bing badda boom, you're done!
As the previous reviewed said, this increases your grip purchase during take-down, but doesn't extend past the profile of the frame, so it doesn't catch on anything or interfere with holstering and normal use.
Great product. I install it on all GLOCKS I work on and will continue to do so.
Worth Every Penny, 30 sec. Install(13.03.2010)
The extra 1.5mm on each side makes the biggest difference in the world for ease of access. Didn't think it would make that big of a difference, boy was I wrong. Sits pretty much flush with the frame (protrudes about 1/2mm out of frame, cant tell unless you really look closely). Great piece, easy on the finger and thumb, its a must have.
Great fit and finish(19.07.2012)
Can't say enough about this product. You get a lot of bang for your buck. Very affordable upgrade to any glock. I was impressed with it's matte gloss finish. Easy to install.
Extended slide lock lever(28.03.2015)
Best for field strip, Best length, works, good.
Extended Slide Lock Lever(05.01.2016)
This extended slide lock lever should've been installed in every Glock at the factory. This item makes field stripping my Glock 17 immensely easier.
Perfect Fit(31.05.2016)
Fits perfectly. Very easy to install. Extends far enough to make it much easier to take down but not far enough that it will snag on anything. Very happy with product. plan to purchase for all my Glocks.
Awesome Inexpensive Upgrade(13.10.2016)
Must Have(29.01.2017)
easier takedown(27.02.2017)
I have arthritis in my hands that makes everything that requires manual dexterity more difficult. The extended lever solves admittedly just one of those. Some have said that it causes snagging, but I have not found that to be the case. An inexpensive fix for a big problem, at least for me.
Must Have (28.08.2017)
I consider the Lone Wolf Extended Slide Lock Lever a "must have" upgrade. The installation is very simple: Depress the spring and the OEM lever falls out. The Lone Wolf lever slides right in with the rail/cutout facing the "active" shooter. You can actually grasp the tabs with your thumb. Excellent quality part. You don't need to worry about getting poked with the tabs while carrying because that portion will actually be inside your holster. And if they weren't covered by the holster, I still find it hard to believe that you'd feel them anymore than the rest of the pistol.