Brownells Norge - Komplett utvalg av ladeutstyr, våpendeler, kuler, hylser, kikkerter, optikk og luftvåpen Norge


050806111080 080564002
Most Popular Gunsmith Taps And Drills Used To Mount Sights & Scopes
The most common and frequently used drills and taps in any gun shop - large or small - are the ones used to mount sights and scopes. And…there are literally thousands of these popular and profitable jobs to be done by gunsmiths. So, Bob B. put together this assortment of the tap-hole and clearance drills, plus the taper, plug and bottom taps needed to do these jobs right. Then, added a professional type "T"-handled tap wrench, and a complete cross reference chart showing the proper tap-hole drill and clearance drill size for each tap included. Plus, a 1 oz. sample of Do-Drill™ (the world's best drill/tapping oil) in a dropper-top bottle, and a tough, compact bench box. Whether you're just getting your shop set up, or been at it a while, this is one kit you need on your bench - 'cause it's the one you're going to use most often.

SPECS: Sizes: 3-56; 5-44; 6-40; 6-48; 8-40 and 10-32, giving you 18 taps, 12 drills, Do-Drill, Tap Wrench and Bench Box.

2199 2199 1 NOK
Produktnr.: 080564002
BROWNELLS DRILL AND TAP KIT NO. 2 050806111080 De mest vanlige og ofte brukte bor og tapper i enhver våpenbutikk - stor eller liten - er de som brukes til å montere sikter og kikkerter. Og… det er bokstavelig talt tusenvis av disse populære og lønnsomme jobbene som skal gjøres av børsemakere. Så, Bob B. satte sammen dette utvalget av tapphull- og klareringsbor, pluss koniske, plugg- og bunn-tapper som trengs for å gjøre disse jobbene riktig. Deretter la han til en profesjonell type "T"-håndtak tappevrikt, og et komplett kryssreferansekart som viser riktig tapphullbor og klareringsborstørrelse for hver tapp som er inkludert. Pluss, en 1 oz. prøve av Do-Drill™ (verdens beste bor-/tappolje) i en flaske med droppetopp, og en solid, kompakt benkeske. Enten du nettopp har satt opp butikken din, eller har holdt på en stund, er dette ett sett du trenger på arbeidsbenken - fordi det er det du kommer til å bruke mest.
2199 NOK 0 kr 2 199,00 *
Restordre. Sendes når kommer til lager. Leveringstid ca 4-12 uker fra USA lager.


Leveringsvekt: 0,816kg Frakthøyde: 58mm Fraktbredde: 244mm Fraktlengde: 323mm

Most Popular Gunsmith Taps And Drills Used To Mount Sights & Scopes
The most common and frequently used drills and taps in any gun shop - large or small - are the ones used to mount sights and scopes. And…there are literally thousands of these popular and profitable jobs to be done by gunsmiths. So, Bob B. put together this assortment of the tap-hole and clearance drills, plus the taper, plug and bottom taps needed to do these jobs right. Then, added a professional type "T"-handled tap wrench, and a complete cross reference chart showing the proper tap-hole drill and clearance drill size for each tap included. Plus, a 1 oz. sample of Do-Drill™ (the world's best drill/tapping oil) in a dropper-top bottle, and a tough, compact bench box. Whether you're just getting your shop set up, or been at it a while, this is one kit you need on your bench - 'cause it's the one you're going to use most often.

SPECS: Sizes: 3-56; 5-44; 6-40; 6-48; 8-40 and 10-32, giving you 18 taps, 12 drills, Do-Drill, Tap Wrench and Bench Box.
