Incredible Value In An Electronic, Direct Reading Caliper; Two Sizes To Choose From
Ready to measure right out of the box, no programming. Open jaws with the smooth-feel thumb wheel and read the LCD display. No reading between the lines! If you want to compare dimensions, reset the zero anywhere on the scale, caliper will give plus/minus readings. Close and reset zero and it s a regular caliper again. Graduations also marked on the beam for a quick manual check. No rack and pinion to get dirty, no delicate glass scale. 6" model bears the brunt of your measuring around the home and shop. 8" version cover those bigger specialized projects like measuring .50 BMG cartridges. Reads to .0005"/0.01mm; (Five, TEN thousandths). Accurate to .001" (0.02mm).
SPECS: 9-1/16" (23.1cm) overall. Stainless steel. Plastic hard case; includes battery.
Utrolig verdi i et elektronisk, direkteavlesende skyvelær; To størrelser å velge mellom
Klar til måling rett ut av esken, ingen programmering nødvendig. Åpne kjeftene med det jevne følelsen av tommelhjulet og les av LCD-skjermen. Ingen avlesning mellom linjene! Hvis du vil sammenligne dimensjoner, kan du nullstille nullpunktet hvor som helst på skalaen, og skyvelæret vil gi pluss/minus avlesninger. Lukk og nullstill igjen, og det er et vanlig skyvelær igjen. Gradueringer er også markert på bjelken for en rask manuell sjekk. Ingen tannstang som blir skitten, ingen delikat glasskala. 6" modellen tåler hovedtyngden av dine målinger hjemme og i verkstedet. 8" versjonen dekker de større spesialprosjektene som å måle .50 BMG patroner. Leser til .0005"/0.01mm; (Fem, TI tusendels). Nøyaktig til .001" (0.02mm).
Antall vurderinger: 3
Fra 3
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 5
Spend the money(21.01.2017)
These calipers are excellent. The digimatic system uses a strip with binary along the caliper. When you zero it, that's it. There is no slipping or losing your measurement. This system also allows readability to 5 ten thousandths. So if you have less than 5 ten thousandths, the 0.000X (ten thousandths) place shows 0. If you have 5 ten thousandths or more, a 5 is shown. So when they say "accurate to 0.001", they're not giving you the entire picture. These are machine shop grade professional calipers. They are smooth as butter and a joy to work with. Mine can easily take measurements just as meaningful as a cheapo micrometer.
Quality Calipers(28.11.2017)
I bought these a few months back and love them. I had calipers that I thought were really good until I received these. You can feel the quality as soon as you take them out. They are very accurate time after time. I highly recommend any reloader that likes accuracy to have these on their bench.
This you can Trust(07.09.2018)
These calipers are easy to use, durable, and accurate. Usually you can get by with cheaper tools â but an inaccurate measuring device really is useless... or worse! I've used my MITUTOYO calipers for five years, and grown to like them more and more with time. They keep showing the same numbers, when other bargain-basement digital calipers I've owned weren't repeatable and fell apart.
Produktnr.: 606000001 MITUTOYO 0-8" ABSOLUTE DIGIMATIC CALIPERS Produsentnr.: 500-197-30 Klar til måling rett ut av esken, ingen programmering nødvendig. Åpne kjeftene med det jevne følelsen av tommelhjulet og les av LCD-skjermen. Ingen avlesning mellom linjene! Hvis du vil sammenligne dimensjoner, kan du nullstille nullpunktet hvor som helst på skalaen, og skyvelæret vil gi pluss/minus avlesninger. Lukk og nullstill igjen, og det er et vanlig skyvelær igjen. Gradueringer er også markert på bjelken for en rask manuell sjekk. Ingen tannstang som blir skitten, ingen delikat glasskala. 6" modellen tåler hovedtyngden av dine målinger hjemme og i verkstedet. 8" versjonen dekker de større spesialprosjektene som å måle .50 BMG patroner. Leser til .0005"/0.01mm; (Fem, TI tusendels). Nøyaktig til .001" (0.02mm).
4999NOK3kr 4 999,00
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager. 3 stk. på lageret i USA
Incredible Value In An Electronic, Direct Reading Caliper; Two Sizes To Choose From
Ready to measure right out of the box, no programming. Open jaws with the smooth-feel thumb wheel and read the LCD display. No reading between the lines! If you want to compare dimensions, reset the zero anywhere on the scale, caliper will give plus/minus readings. Close and reset zero and it s a regular caliper again. Graduations also marked on the beam for a quick manual check. No rack and pinion to get dirty, no delicate glass scale. 6" model bears the brunt of your measuring around the home and shop. 8" version cover those bigger specialized projects like measuring .50 BMG cartridges. Reads to .0005"/0.01mm; (Five, TEN thousandths). Accurate to .001" (0.02mm).
SPECS: 9-1/16" (23.1cm) overall. Stainless steel. Plastic hard case; includes battery.
Utrolig verdi i et elektronisk, direkteavlesende skyvelær; To størrelser å velge mellom
Klar til måling rett ut av esken, ingen programmering nødvendig. Åpne kjeftene med det jevne følelsen av tommelhjulet og les av LCD-skjermen. Ingen avlesning mellom linjene! Hvis du vil sammenligne dimensjoner, kan du nullstille nullpunktet hvor som helst på skalaen, og skyvelæret vil gi pluss/minus avlesninger. Lukk og nullstill igjen, og det er et vanlig skyvelær igjen. Gradueringer er også markert på bjelken for en rask manuell sjekk. Ingen tannstang som blir skitten, ingen delikat glasskala. 6" modellen tåler hovedtyngden av dine målinger hjemme og i verkstedet. 8" versjonen dekker de større spesialprosjektene som å måle .50 BMG patroner. Leser til .0005"/0.01mm; (Fem, TI tusendels). Nøyaktig til .001" (0.02mm).
Antall vurderinger: 3
Fra 3
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 5
Spend the money(21.01.2017)
These calipers are excellent. The digimatic system uses a strip with binary along the caliper. When you zero it, that's it. There is no slipping or losing your measurement. This system also allows readability to 5 ten thousandths. So if you have less than 5 ten thousandths, the 0.000X (ten thousandths) place shows 0. If you have 5 ten thousandths or more, a 5 is shown. So when they say "accurate to 0.001", they're not giving you the entire picture. These are machine shop grade professional calipers. They are smooth as butter and a joy to work with. Mine can easily take measurements just as meaningful as a cheapo micrometer.
Quality Calipers(28.11.2017)
I bought these a few months back and love them. I had calipers that I thought were really good until I received these. You can feel the quality as soon as you take them out. They are very accurate time after time. I highly recommend any reloader that likes accuracy to have these on their bench.
This you can Trust(07.09.2018)
These calipers are easy to use, durable, and accurate. Usually you can get by with cheaper tools â but an inaccurate measuring device really is useless... or worse! I've used my MITUTOYO calipers for five years, and grown to like them more and more with time. They keep showing the same numbers, when other bargain-basement digital calipers I've owned weren't repeatable and fell apart.