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050806102576 080750000
Helps You Do Basic Repairs
The 24 tools (plus 6 additional screwdriver bits) in this Kit are among the ones you will find on the work bench of practically all professional gunsmiths. When we chose each one individually, we walked the aisles of our stock room many times, repeatedly handling each of the vast variety of gunsmithing tools we carry. We had two thoughts in mind as we evaluated each tool: (1) If I were advising a good friend starting to work on guns, is this a tool he should have; and, (2) If I were assembling a compact, economical and basic service tool kit for myself, is this one of the tools I would start with. If the tool met both of these basic requirements, it is in the Kit.We feel that with the tools in this Kit you can confidently tackle the basic service, cleaning and repair jobs on practically any gun brought to you. The only exceptions would be where special tools are required for specific and complex, advanced procedures. For those jobs you can prepare yourself as you progress. But, this is the Kit you should start with.The Basic Gunsmithing Kit contains the following tools: No. 100 Parallel Pliers; 1" Nylon/Brass Hammer; No. 81 MAGNA-TIP® Screwdriver; Screwdriver Bits Nos. 1 - 2 - 6 - 00 - 10 - 20 and 30; Two sizes Instrument Screwdrivers; Main Spring Vise; MF134 India Stone; M-16 Brush; 1/8" x 6" Pin Punch; 5/32" x 6" Pin Punch; 1/16" Starter Punch; 3/32" Starter Punch; Brownells Replacement Pin-Punch Set; 2" Replacement Punch Assortment; Nylon/Brass Drift Pin Punch Set; Gunsmith Bench Knife; 8" No. 2 Cut Hand File; Sight Base File; 4-in-1 Hand Rasp; Scribe-Hook; No. 1033 6" Chain Nose Pliers; No. 91 Allen Wrench Set; Screw Check'r and Kit Box.  
8799 8799 1 NOK
Produktnr.: 080750000
BROWNELLS BASIC GUNSMITHING KIT 050806102576 De 24 verktøyene (pluss 6 ekstra skrutrekkerbits) i dette settet er blant de du vil finne på arbeidsbenken til nesten alle profesjonelle børsemakere. Da vi valgte hvert enkelt verktøy, gikk vi gjennom gangene i vårt lager mange ganger, og tok gjentatte ganger for oss det store utvalget av børsemakerverktøy vi tilbyr. Vi hadde to tanker i hodet mens vi evaluerte hvert verktøy: (1) Hvis jeg skulle gi råd til en god venn som begynner å jobbe med våpen, er dette et verktøy han burde ha; og, (2) Hvis jeg skulle sette sammen et kompakt, økonomisk og grunnleggende serviceverktøysett for meg selv, er dette et av verktøyene jeg ville startet med. Hvis verktøyet møtte begge disse grunnleggende kravene, er det i settet.Vi mener at med verktøyene i dette settet kan du trygt håndtere de grunnleggende service-, rengjørings- og reparasjonsjobbene på praktisk talt ethvert våpen som blir brakt til deg. De eneste unntakene ville være der spesialverktøy kreves for spesifikke og komplekse, avanserte prosedyrer. For de jobbene kan du forberede deg etter hvert som du går frem. Men, dette er settet du bør starte med.BASIC GUNSMITH KIT inneholder følgende verktøy: No. 100 Parallel Pliers; 1" Nylon/Brass Hammer; No. 81 MAGNA-TIP® Skrutrekker; Skrutrekkerbits Nr. 1 - 2 - 6 - 00 - 10 - 20 og 30; To størrelser Instrument Skrutrekkere; Main Spring Vise; MF134 India Stone; M-16 Brush; 1/8" x 6" Pin Punch; 5/32" x 6" Pin Punch; 1/16" Starter Punch; 3/32" Starter Punch; Brownells Replacement Pin-Punch Set; 2" Replacement Punch Assortment; Nylon/Brass Drift Pin Punch Set; Gunsmith Bench Knife; 8" No. 2 Cut Hand File; Sight Base File; 4-in-1 Hand Rasp; Scribe-Hook; No. 1033 6" Chain Nose Pliers; No. 91 Allen Wrench Set; Screw Check'r og Kit Box.
8799 NOK 0 kr 8 799,00 *
Restordre. Sendes når kommer til lager. Leveringstid ca 4-12 uker fra USA lager.
Spesifikasjoner: Make: Universal

Top takeaways

  1. Settet inneholder 24 verktøy og 6 ekstra skrutrekkerbits, nøye utvalgt for å møte behovene til profesjonelle børsemakere.
  2. Verktøyene er valgt basert på to kriterier: anbefaling til en venn som starter med våpenarbeid, og som en del av et kompakt og økonomisk grunnleggende serviceverktøysett.
  3. Settet inneholder alt nødvendig for grunnleggende service, rengjøring og reparasjon av de fleste våpen, med unntak av spesifikke og komplekse prosesser som krever spesialverktøy.


Make: Universal Leveringsvekt: 3,583kg Frakthøyde: 229mm Fraktbredde: 305mm Fraktlengde: 610mm UPC : 050806102576


Made in USA

Oppdag BASIC GUNSMITH KIT fra BROWNELLS! 🛠️ 24 verktøy for enkel service og reparasjon av våpen. Perfekt for både nybegynnere og proffer!

Helps You Do Basic Repairs
The 24 tools (plus 6 additional screwdriver bits) in this Kit are among the ones you will find on the work bench of practically all professional gunsmiths. When we chose each one individually, we walked the aisles of our stock room many times, repeatedly handling each of the vast variety of gunsmithing tools we carry. We had two thoughts in mind as we evaluated each tool: (1) If I were advising a good friend starting to work on guns, is this a tool he should have; and, (2) If I were assembling a compact, economical and basic service tool kit for myself, is this one of the tools I would start with. If the tool met both of these basic requirements, it is in the Kit.We feel that with the tools in this Kit you can confidently tackle the basic service, cleaning and repair jobs on practically any gun brought to you. The only exceptions would be where special tools are required for specific and complex, advanced procedures. For those jobs you can prepare yourself as you progress. But, this is the Kit you should start with.The Basic Gunsmithing Kit contains the following tools: No. 100 Parallel Pliers; 1" Nylon/Brass Hammer; No. 81 MAGNA-TIP® Screwdriver; Screwdriver Bits Nos. 1 - 2 - 6 - 00 - 10 - 20 and 30; Two sizes Instrument Screwdrivers; Main Spring Vise; MF134 India Stone; M-16 Brush; 1/8" x 6" Pin Punch; 5/32" x 6" Pin Punch; 1/16" Starter Punch; 3/32" Starter Punch; Brownells Replacement Pin-Punch Set; 2" Replacement Punch Assortment; Nylon/Brass Drift Pin Punch Set; Gunsmith Bench Knife; 8" No. 2 Cut Hand File; Sight Base File; 4-in-1 Hand Rasp; Scribe-Hook; No. 1033 6" Chain Nose Pliers; No. 91 Allen Wrench Set; Screw Check'r and Kit Box.