- Våpentype: AR-15
- Leveringsvekt: 0,005kg
- Fraktbredde: 57mm
- Fraktlengde: 89mm
Produktnr.: 993150100
Produsentnr.: AW400
Hjelper med å forbedre nøyaktigheten ved å få den øvre og nedre mottakeren til å passe tettere. Åpne den øvre mottakeren; slipp denne langvarige gummikilen inn i baksiden av den nedre, bak trykknappen. Absolutt ingen modifikasjoner kreves.Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager.
Mer enn 10 stk. på lager i USA
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager.
Mer enn 10 stk. på lager i USA
Get a razorblade ready 02.02.2018
First, understand that Browne!ls is great with which to do business; I use them a lot. But not all products they sell have that stellar reputation.
I installed the wedge on a S&W M&P 15 TS, and maybe tolerances are tighter. But I ended up cutting away about 60% of it before I could get the pin to lock the upper. Instructions say "squeeze" the upper down to lock. More like use a vise, which I certainly wasn't going to do. So I went to whittling.
Does it stop wobble? Yes.
Is it worth the price? Maybe not, especially if you have to whittle it down to almost nothing.
Got a loose fit on your AR? Might help.
Will I buy another? Probably not. For many years I didn't use one, and never missed it.
If the round base were MUCH thinner it would probably be a drop in.
Maybe buy a couple of school erasers for 50 cents and make your own.
I give it 3 stars.
It took the wibble out of my wobble 26.11.2017
I just bought a new AR15 and the upper to lower fit was not satisfactory. However because it did not pose a safety problem I looked to Brownell's for the fix and found it when a friend recommended the AccuWedge. I installed it and found it needed a bit of trimming to allow the halves to fit. Dremel to the rescue. 1 minute's work and the wedge fit perfectly. No more wobble and loose fit. Thanks Brownell's.
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