Brownells Norge - Komplett utvalg av ladeutstyr, våpendeler, kuler, hylser, kikkerter, optikk og luftvåpen Norge
858003000110 100027972
There are a number of magazines on the market that fill a unique niche of users who have AR-style rifles chambered in the popular 7.62x39 cartridge. For those rifle owners, the Maglula AR 7.62x39 Lula Loader & Unloader is built to work with specific magazines common to that platform. In particular, the Maglula AR 7.62x39 Lula Loader & Unloader functions with AR Stoner, ASC, C Products, D&H, 10-round Franklin Armory and Pro-Mag magazines. The company warns that, due to the lack of an anti-tilt follower in these magazines, loading the first three and last three rounds in the magazine may be challenging. However, the other rounds will load without issue. Works with 7.62x39 AR magazines only Saves thumbs from soreness of loading Reduces wear on magazine feed lips Compact, lightweight design for easy transport To cope with the thin sheet metal used in these magazines, the Maglula AR 7.62x39 Lula Loader & Unloader also features a metal magazine catch to resist pressure from the magazine edge during use. This may leave a mark on the magazine body, so the company warns users to avoid use of the Lula if these marks are an issue.
359 359 1 NOK
Produktnr.: 100027972
Produsentnr.: LU11B 858003000110 Det finnes en rekke magasiner på markedet som dekker et unikt behov for brukere som har AR-stil rifler kamret i det populære 7.62x39 kaliberet. For disse rifleeierne er Maglula AR 7.62x39 Lula Loader & Unloader konstruert for å fungere med spesifikke magasiner som er vanlige for denne plattformen. Spesielt fungerer Maglula AR 7.62x39 Lula Loader & Unloader med AR Stoner, ASC, C Products, D&H, 10-runds Franklin Armory og Pro-Mag magasiner. Selskapet advarer om at, på grunn av mangelen på en anti-tilt følger i disse magasinene, kan det være utfordrende å laste de første tre og de siste tre patronene i magasinet. Imidlertid vil de andre rundene lastes uten problemer. Fungerer kun med 7.62x39 AR magasiner Spares tommelfingre fra ømhet ved lasting Reduserer slitasje på magasinets lepper Kompakt, lett design for enkel transport For å håndtere det tynne metallarket som brukes i disse magasinene, har også Maglula AR 7.62x39 Lula Loader & Unloader en metall magasinlås for å motstå trykk fra magasinkanten under bruk. Dette kan etterlate et merke på magasinkroppen, så selskapet advarer brukere om å unngå bruk av Lula hvis disse merkene er et problem.
359 NOK 5 kr 359,00 *
Leveringstid ca. 7-10 dager.
5 stk. på lageret i Europa
Spesifikasjoner: Kaliber: 7.62x39 (.310) Make: AR .308 Style: Range Loader, Unloader


Kaliber: 7.62x39 (.310) Make: AR .308 Style: Range Loader,Unloader Leveringsvekt: 0,045kg Frakthøyde: 51mm Fraktbredde: 102mm Fraktlengde: 178mm

There are a number of magazines on the market that fill a unique niche of users who have AR-style rifles chambered in the popular 7.62x39 cartridge. For those rifle owners, the Maglula AR 7.62x39 Lula Loader & Unloader is built to work with specific magazines common to that platform. In particular, the Maglula AR 7.62x39 Lula Loader & Unloader functions with AR Stoner, ASC, C Products, D&H, 10-round Franklin Armory and Pro-Mag magazines. The company warns that, due to the lack of an anti-tilt follower in these magazines, loading the first three and last three rounds in the magazine may be challenging. However, the other rounds will load without issue. Works with 7.62x39 AR magazines only Saves thumbs from soreness of loading Reduces wear on magazine feed lips Compact, lightweight design for easy transport To cope with the thin sheet metal used in these magazines, the Maglula AR 7.62x39 Lula Loader & Unloader also features a metal magazine catch to resist pressure from the magazine edge during use. This may leave a mark on the magazine body, so the company warns users to avoid use of the Lula if these marks are an issue.