Brownells Norge - Komplett utvalg av ladeutstyr, våpendeler, kuler, hylser, kikkerter, optikk og luftvåpen Norge


This edition of Bryan Litz’s comprehensive volume on long-range ballistics includes two additional chapters covering extended long-range shooting and monolithic bullets. Nearly every other chapter has been updated; the chapter on wind deflection has almost doubled in size. Bryan provides experimentally determined ballistic coefficient data for over 235 long-range bullets. Bryan thoroughly explains the fundamentals of longrange ballistics to help anyone wishing to become an accomplished long-range shooter. Topics covered include ballistic coefficients, gravity drop, wind deflection, uphill/ downhill shooting, the Coriolis Effect, spin drift, effective sight use, and bullet stability, with performance analysis for hunters, competitive shooters, and tactical/lethality type shooting, all in a reader-friendly writing style so you can develop the necessary tools to calculate precise trajectories for long-range shooting. Includes a CD with the Point Mass Ballistics Solver (Ver. 2.0) software that lets you calculate potential ballistic coefficients on your computer. A former aerospace engineer and US Air Force missile designer, Bryan became the chief ballistician for Berger bullets in 2008. He was a US National Palma Champion in 2008, a member of the winning 2008 US Team in the Spirit of America International Rifle Match, and a national record holder for the NRA iron-sight midrange course in 2009. 578 pages, hardcover, with dimensional drawings and measured drag data for 236 bullets.
1199 1199 1 NOK
Produktnr.: 749008863
Produsentnr.: 54995 Denne utgaven av Bryan Litz' omfattende verk om langdistanseballistikk inkluderer to nye kapitler som dekker ekstrem langdistanse-skyting og monolittiske kuler. Nesten hvert annet kapittel har blitt oppdatert; kapitlet om vindavdrift har nesten doblet i størrelse. Bryan tilbyr eksperimentelt bestemte ballistiske koeffisientdata for over 235 langdistansekuler. Bryan forklarer grundig grunnleggende om langdistanseballistikk for å hjelpe alle som ønsker å bli en dyktig langdistanse-skytter. Emner som dekkes inkluderer ballistiske koeffisienter, tyngdekraftfall, vindavdrift, skyting oppover/nedover, Coriolis-effekten, spinn-drift, effektiv bruk av sikte, og kulestabilitet, med ytelsesanalyse for jegere, konkurranseskyttere, og taktisk/letalitetstype skyting, alt presentert i en leser-vennlig skrivestil slik at du kan utvikle de nødvendige verktøyene for å beregne presise baner for langdistanse-skyting. Inkluderer en CD med Point Mass Ballistics Solver (Ver. 2.0) programvare som lar deg beregne potensielle ballistiske koeffisienter på datamaskinen din. Som tidligere romfartsingeniør og missildesigner for US Air Force, ble Bryan hovedballistiker for Berger-kuler i 2008. Han var USAs nasjonale Palma-mester i 2008, medlem av det vinnende amerikanske laget i Spirit of America International Rifle Match, og nasjonal rekordholder for NRA jern-sikte midtrekkebanen i 2009. 578 sider, innbundet, med dimensjonale tegninger og målte dragdata for 236 kuler.
1199 NOK 5 kr 1 199,00 *
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager.
5 stk. på lageret i USA
Spesifikasjoner: Firearm: Rifle Skill Level: Amateur Style: Reference Guide


Firearm: Rifle Skill Level: Amateur Style: Reference Guide Leveringsvekt: 1,406kg Frakthøyde: 43mm Fraktbredde: 183mm Fraktlengde: 259mm


Made in USA

This edition of Bryan Litz’s comprehensive volume on long-range ballistics includes two additional chapters covering extended long-range shooting and monolithic bullets. Nearly every other chapter has been updated; the chapter on wind deflection has almost doubled in size. Bryan provides experimentally determined ballistic coefficient data for over 235 long-range bullets. Bryan thoroughly explains the fundamentals of longrange ballistics to help anyone wishing to become an accomplished long-range shooter. Topics covered include ballistic coefficients, gravity drop, wind deflection, uphill/ downhill shooting, the Coriolis Effect, spin drift, effective sight use, and bullet stability, with performance analysis for hunters, competitive shooters, and tactical/lethality type shooting, all in a reader-friendly writing style so you can develop the necessary tools to calculate precise trajectories for long-range shooting. Includes a CD with the Point Mass Ballistics Solver (Ver. 2.0) software that lets you calculate potential ballistic coefficients on your computer. A former aerospace engineer and US Air Force missile designer, Bryan became the chief ballistician for Berger bullets in 2008. He was a US National Palma Champion in 2008, a member of the winning 2008 US Team in the Spirit of America International Rifle Match, and a national record holder for the NRA iron-sight midrange course in 2009. 578 pages, hardcover, with dimensional drawings and measured drag data for 236 bullets.