Get a solid grip on your Govt. or Officers Model with the crisp, clean 25 lpi machine-cut checkering on these all-steel mainspring housings. Helps improved accuracy by keeping the pistol correctly positioned in the shooting hand for a consistent hold and improves recoil control. Great for combat or competition pistols. Flat (FL) model offers a clean, low profile that lets you get a good, solid grip. Arched (AR) has the bump or rounded swell toward the bottom of the housing that aids in maintaining a higher grip.
Fullstendig Sjekkert for et Fast, Glisikkert Grep
Få et solid grep på din Govt. eller Officers Model med det skarpe, rene 25 lpi maskinkuttede rillemønsteret på disse helståls hovedfjærhusene. Bidrar til økt nøyaktighet ved å holde pistolen korrekt posisjonert i skytehånden for et konsekvent grep og forbedrer rekylkontrollen. Flott for kamp- eller konkurransepistoler. Flat (FL) modell tilbyr en ren, lav profil som lar deg få et godt, solid grep. Buet (AR) har en kul eller avrundet svelling mot bunnen av huset som hjelper til med å opprettholde et høyere grep.
Antall vurderinger: 9
Fra 9
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 5
Well worth the extra money!(06.09.2011)
I bought one of these from Nighthawk before they were offered here.These dropped right into my springfield and caspian frames.A little stone work was needed on my Ed Brown grip safety as it was rubbing ever so slightly.Very nice fit and finish.You wont find a better magwell.
excellent part(03.04.2014)
this part is awesome. it looks good, fitment is VERY good, helps with my reloads, etc.
i replaced the ILS on my SA LW Champion Operator with this and there's a few things:
first, i thought the one i ordered was going to be a gunsmith fit, if it was, it didn't need fitting. the fitment is 99% perfect, and the only way to fix the 1% left would be to weld the part so it can be filed down.
second, the edge of the magwell doesn't leave a lip on the frame. i will likely blend the magwell to the frame, but i don't NEED to, that's just asthetics.
third, it doesn't protrude as much as i was thinking it would. i have this mounted on my EDC gun, and it doesn't print any more than before.
overall, i really like this product, and will likely order another one for the next 1911
this also works very well with Chip McCormick magazines, Wilson Combat magazines, and Tripp Research magazines, as well as SIG, Nighthawk, and Kimber magazines. 10 round or 8.
After reading the last review on brownells about this product I was a little nervious about getting it. I have had many NHC products and can say they have always been top notch and after installing I got to say I am totally impressed. Fit and quality we outstanding and was very easy to install. NHC again hats off to you for a great product.
Totally awesome product here.(30.03.2012)
Fit pistol perfectly and took very little time to get a gap free fit on the bottom. Any "gunsmith" worth his bluing salts would know that any 1911 frame is a mixed bag when it comes to these housings. It has very nice machine checkering as well. It was nice to not have to go over the checkering like I do with every cheap, cast magwell that people love so much. It is a bit pricey.
Flush fit on Dan Wesson Specialist. Dan Wesson original magazine well guide continually came loose. Nighthawk part solves this problem. Nighthawk magazine well is cut at a more efficient angle than Dan Wesson factory part. Less weight on the Nighthawk part appears to have improved overall balance of pistol during drawing from holster and presenting. Only CON, minor fitting to remove small material burr inside pin hole of part.
Great Mainspring Housing(28.09.2012)
Housing fits up and has correct depth on Colt Government 1991. Checkering is crip and clean. Nothing bad to say - works perfect, great quality.
First Class Part(21.12.2012)
This part dropped in to my Kimber TLE II with great ease and no fitting. It looks like it was made with my gun, and feels great in the hand. Finish and cuts are excellent. Very well made part.
Excellent Part(14.03.2013)
Bought two of these to replace the curved mainspring housings on a couple of Girsan 1911s. Dropped right in with no fitting. Excellent fit. They look beautiful on the pistols and very much improve the grip and point of the pistols for my medium-sized hands. Nice checkering, very well-made. Easy to install. Allows proper engagement of the grip safety with no fitting. Highly recommend.
Great Product(03.04.2015)
Just installed this on a Colt Combat Commander. Some minor fitting, a couple needle files & stoning, no big deal. Looks & handles great. I've got a couple Norincos I've had for some time. Going to get the same treatment.
Produktnr.: 100003233 NIGHTHAWK CUSTOM 1911 GOVT. FLAT MAINSPRING HOUSING Produsentnr.: SP0227080683000283 Få et solid grep på din Govt. eller Officers Model med det skarpe, rene 25 lpi maskinkuttede rillemønsteret på disse helståls hovedfjærhusene. Bidrar til økt nøyaktighet ved å holde pistolen korrekt posisjonert i skytehånden for et konsekvent grep og forbedrer rekylkontrollen. Flott for kamp- eller konkurransepistoler. Flat (FL) modell tilbyr en ren, lav profil som lar deg få et godt, solid grep. Buet (AR) har en kul eller avrundet svelling mot bunnen av huset som hjelper til med å opprettholde et høyere grep.
1199NOK0kr 1 199,00
Restordre. Sendes når kommer til lager. Leveringstid ca 4-12 uker fra USA lager.
Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.y.1
Erklæring om kontroll av destinasjon: Disse artiklene er underlagt kontroll av den amerikanske regjering og er kun godkjent for eksport til destinasjonslandet, for anvendelse av den endelige mottager eller sluttbruker(ene), heri identifisert. De skal ikke videreselges, overføres eller på annen måte avhendes til et annet land eller til en annen person enn den godkjente mottakeren eller sluttbrukeren(ene), enten i sin opprinnelige form eller etter innlemmelse i andre artikler, uten først å få godkjenning fra den amerikanske regjering eller dersom godkjennelse følger av amerikanske lover eller forskrifter.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Oppgrader din 1911 med NIGHTHAWK CUSTOMs flat hovedfjærhus! ✨ Få bedre grep og nøyaktighet til kamp eller konkurranse.
Get a solid grip on your Govt. or Officers Model with the crisp, clean 25 lpi machine-cut checkering on these all-steel mainspring housings. Helps improved accuracy by keeping the pistol correctly positioned in the shooting hand for a consistent hold and improves recoil control. Great for combat or competition pistols. Flat (FL) model offers a clean, low profile that lets you get a good, solid grip. Arched (AR) has the bump or rounded swell toward the bottom of the housing that aids in maintaining a higher grip.
Fullstendig Sjekkert for et Fast, Glisikkert Grep
Få et solid grep på din Govt. eller Officers Model med det skarpe, rene 25 lpi maskinkuttede rillemønsteret på disse helståls hovedfjærhusene. Bidrar til økt nøyaktighet ved å holde pistolen korrekt posisjonert i skytehånden for et konsekvent grep og forbedrer rekylkontrollen. Flott for kamp- eller konkurransepistoler. Flat (FL) modell tilbyr en ren, lav profil som lar deg få et godt, solid grep. Buet (AR) har en kul eller avrundet svelling mot bunnen av huset som hjelper til med å opprettholde et høyere grep.
Antall vurderinger: 9
Fra 9
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 5
Well worth the extra money!(06.09.2011)
I bought one of these from Nighthawk before they were offered here.These dropped right into my springfield and caspian frames.A little stone work was needed on my Ed Brown grip safety as it was rubbing ever so slightly.Very nice fit and finish.You wont find a better magwell.
excellent part(03.04.2014)
this part is awesome. it looks good, fitment is VERY good, helps with my reloads, etc.
i replaced the ILS on my SA LW Champion Operator with this and there's a few things:
first, i thought the one i ordered was going to be a gunsmith fit, if it was, it didn't need fitting. the fitment is 99% perfect, and the only way to fix the 1% left would be to weld the part so it can be filed down.
second, the edge of the magwell doesn't leave a lip on the frame. i will likely blend the magwell to the frame, but i don't NEED to, that's just asthetics.
third, it doesn't protrude as much as i was thinking it would. i have this mounted on my EDC gun, and it doesn't print any more than before.
overall, i really like this product, and will likely order another one for the next 1911
this also works very well with Chip McCormick magazines, Wilson Combat magazines, and Tripp Research magazines, as well as SIG, Nighthawk, and Kimber magazines. 10 round or 8.
After reading the last review on brownells about this product I was a little nervious about getting it. I have had many NHC products and can say they have always been top notch and after installing I got to say I am totally impressed. Fit and quality we outstanding and was very easy to install. NHC again hats off to you for a great product.
Totally awesome product here.(30.03.2012)
Fit pistol perfectly and took very little time to get a gap free fit on the bottom. Any "gunsmith" worth his bluing salts would know that any 1911 frame is a mixed bag when it comes to these housings. It has very nice machine checkering as well. It was nice to not have to go over the checkering like I do with every cheap, cast magwell that people love so much. It is a bit pricey.
Flush fit on Dan Wesson Specialist. Dan Wesson original magazine well guide continually came loose. Nighthawk part solves this problem. Nighthawk magazine well is cut at a more efficient angle than Dan Wesson factory part. Less weight on the Nighthawk part appears to have improved overall balance of pistol during drawing from holster and presenting. Only CON, minor fitting to remove small material burr inside pin hole of part.
Great Mainspring Housing(28.09.2012)
Housing fits up and has correct depth on Colt Government 1991. Checkering is crip and clean. Nothing bad to say - works perfect, great quality.
First Class Part(21.12.2012)
This part dropped in to my Kimber TLE II with great ease and no fitting. It looks like it was made with my gun, and feels great in the hand. Finish and cuts are excellent. Very well made part.
Excellent Part(14.03.2013)
Bought two of these to replace the curved mainspring housings on a couple of Girsan 1911s. Dropped right in with no fitting. Excellent fit. They look beautiful on the pistols and very much improve the grip and point of the pistols for my medium-sized hands. Nice checkering, very well-made. Easy to install. Allows proper engagement of the grip safety with no fitting. Highly recommend.
Great Product(03.04.2015)
Just installed this on a Colt Combat Commander. Some minor fitting, a couple needle files & stoning, no big deal. Looks & handles great. I've got a couple Norincos I've had for some time. Going to get the same treatment.