The Look & Feel Of Real Wood, Plus The Handling & Control Of Rubber
Rugged, dual-material grips combine the appearance and feel of real wood with the control and handling benefits of rubber combat grips. Smooth grip panels of attractive Pacwood, a rosewood laminate with a durable satin-finish, have neatly beveled bottom edges with cutouts for mainspring housing pin. The insert of semi-soft Decelerator® neoprene rubber has sharp diamonds molded in the side panels for superior gripping surface, wet or dry, that won’t bite into your hand. Deep, molded finger grooves on the frontstrap provide maximum control and comfort. For either right- or left-handed shooters, these grips will complement the finest accurizing job or combat alterations. Installation requires no alterations to gun.
SPECS: Smooth rosewood laminate, with black molded neoprene rubber. Fits 1911 Auto Gov't. and Commander pistols. No relief cut for Ambidextrous Safeties.
Utseendet og følelsen av ekte tre, pluss håndteringen og kontrollen av gummi
Robuste, to-materials grep kombinerer utseendet og følelsen av ekte tre med kontroll- og håndteringsegenskapene til gummikampgreper. Glatt grepspaneler av attraktivt Pacwood, en laminat av rosentre med en holdbar satengfinish, har pent avfasede bunnkanter med utskjæringer for hovedfjærhusets pinne. Innsatsen av semi-myk Decelerator® neopren gummi har skarpe diamanter støpt i sidepanelene for en overlegen gripeflate, våt eller tørr, som ikke vil bite i hånden din. Dype, støpte fingergroper på frontstroppen gir maksimal kontroll og komfort. For enten høyre- eller venstrehendte skyttere, vil disse grepene komplementere den fineste presisjonsjobben eller kampmodifikasjoner. Installasjon krever ingen endringer på våpenet.
SPECS: Glatt laminert rosentre, med svart støpt neopren gummi. Passer til 1911 Auto Gov't. og Commander pistoler. Ingen utskjæring for Ambidextrous Safeties.
Antall vurderinger: 19
Fra 19
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 4,6
Excellent product and installs easily.(22.06.2018)
Excellent grips and installs very easily. No adjustment whatsoever was required and within a few minutes I got to admire my new grips.
Very comfortable in the hands and the rubber helps provide a lovely cushion for the 1911. The wood finish is lovely and provides an excellent addition to the overall package.
Functional style(11.11.2009)
I put these on a custom 5-inch "franken1911" and I'm nothing but content with this addition. The rubber finger grooves make for an incredibly comfortable and controllable grip: aiding in consistency and accuracy. The deep red wood accents the whole package nicely. These converted the mediocre smooth front strap into an aggressive shooting platform. NOTE: I had to do ~5 minutes of fitting work with a file, but it was easy.
Essential Grip for serious shooters(13.01.2010)
I put these on a Rock Island 1911 and Changed the entire weapon! The rubber finger grooves make for an incredibly comfortable and controllable grip: aiding in consistency and accuracy. Simple Installation right our of the package!
absolutely awesome(17.03.2010)
had to fit the abedextrious safety for clearance, used the factory grip as a guide. springfield loaded model 1911. other than that awesome, i loved this weapon before, now it is WOW. gives a plain black pistol some pizzaz, and more importantly locks the weapon in my grip. next 1911 i get is gonna get one of the grips.
Positive grip for first shot performance(18.03.2010)
I have two 1911 custom guns and I have both setup with these grips. I get the same feel and confidence shooting either pistol. I will only use these grips for all of the 1911's I own and recommend them to my friends. After holding my pistols they want a set for themselves. Thanks for the great product.
LEGEND GRIPS(10.05.2010)
WOW... that's the best word used to describe these grips. Installed them on my Kimber Custom II and could not be happier. They went on in seconds and look absolutely amazing. The dark rosewood color on the black frame is just plain beautiful and adds a classic look to my gun while the rubber molded finger grooves help with proper grip on the pistol and better muzzle control which have lead to tighter groups!! This is my primary carry pistol and I can't think of a better addition to it. Looks amazing, with performance to match. Wish I could add a picture. I can assure you if your thinking about buying these just go ahead. You won't regret it.
Long term use(10.09.2010)
Probably the nicest grips I've ever owned for any of my .45's. They fit my hand perfect right from a draw. The only problem I've had is after a year of on and off carry,one of the inside screws that holds the rubber to the wood fell out of each side.
Work great, but read on...(09.10.2010)
I picked up a set of these grips from a vendor other than Brownells a couple years ago. With that, what I have to say may not apply to Brownell's "version" of these grips, but I felt worth mentioning in case what I have to share applys.
My set was a bit soft or "squishy" for my liking. It didn't take long for me to figure out why. If you look at the backside of the grips, you will notice (at least on my set) that there are large crevices or dimples on the opposite side of where the grip extends between the fingers. I solved the problem by applying a generous drop of Household Goop in each crevice/dimple, applied a good amount of natures Release Agent (yes gentlemen, that would be...spit) to the front side of the grip frame that would come in contact with the Goop, installed the grips and gave her a few hours to set up. Than, removed 'em and rubbed off what Goop might have spilled over onto the frame. Use a dry finger to rub it off, just keep rolling your finger over the Goop and it will, in time, simply roll off. It might take repeating this process one more time (as it did for me) if the crevice/dimples hadn't completely "leveled."
If you think your piece runs well with the "stock" version of these grips, give that above a try. It really firms up the feel and you won't be dissapointed. And, if you don't like it, it won't be hard to revert back. Just pull and stretch the Goop until it all comes free.
Take care.
I LUV these grips.(11.11.2010)
I have a set of these on my STI 1911. I just love them. They feel great, with none of the squishiness a previous reviewer experienced. I love the finger grooves. They allow a very positive grip, and I grasp the pistol in the same position every time. Also, I think they look great. They look "tacticool", but still dress up the gun. Like I said, I love 'em!
Everything I wanted and more(30.03.2011)
I was worried this would'nt fit my Taurus PT1911 AR at first but there was no fitting required. Sleek design and well manufactured. The rubber feels awesome in my hand and doesn't stick to my fingers. The color compliments the "blue" color of my pistol. The grips slightly improved accuracy at the range and allows the pistol to sit snuggly in my grasp. This is the perfect start to my 1911's customization.
Perfect Grip(29.04.2011)
Gorgeous grips, look great and feel even better! Comfortable, while ensuring the correct hold. Required no fitting; was not too squishy either, just right.
Also an attention catcher(14.07.2011)
I use these grips on my GSG 1911 and my Ruger 22/45 Mark III Hunter. The guys at the gun range think that I have three or four versions of these two handguns. I have other Pachmayr all black grips with finger grooves, as well as factory and after-market wooden grips and the finger groove panel that fits under the side panels. The ONLY negative about these grips is that the little nylon washer between the rubber and wood and screw fell off. The lower rubber flapping around was really annoying. I glued the rubber to the wood and will test the gun next weekend. But I absolutely love the comfort (not to mention look) of these grips.
Came on time, look better than the picture, the rubber is high quality and feels very nice between the fingers, gives you extra support, I love it!
Great product, Great price.(11.01.2012)
I was unsure of the quality of these grips due to the price, but after I recieved them I was suprised. They make the gun feel like its custom made for my hand. Love these grips and at this price Ill be purchasing another set.
loctite a must!!(03.02.2012)
I bought these grips, love the way they feel and the look. BUT, before you ever put them on your gun make sure you loctite the pachmyr emblem and the screw that goes into the back of it. The pachmyr emblem serves to hold the rubber grip to the wood grip. If you don't loctite the screw it will come loose, I've seen it happen on two guns. That small screw fits perfectly under the feed ramp on a 1911. If that happens the trigger won't work and a magazine will not insert. Will also need a littel dremel work if you have ambidextrius safety on a 1911.
Great Feel!(19.02.2012)
I put these grips on and old 1911 and it really changed how I felt about the gun! They feel great and seem to even help accuracy!
Not what I would expect from Pachmayr(24.05.2013)
I usually don't write reviews because when I purchase something I expect it to be of quaility and performance. However after receiving these grips I was surprised to find the poor quality and workmanship from a Pachmayr product. The rubber inserts were very poorly bonded to the wooden parts, both screws that hold the Pachmayr logo to the grips were loose and the seam on the rubber finger grooves was very large and uncomfortable. the only good I can say of this product is they looked nice in the package.
These grips are great. They look great and the add amazing stability. On top of that I ordered these grips on Monday w/ standard shipping, they shipped Tuesday I got them Thursday. FANTASTIC SHIPPING!!
Great Grips(24.02.2015)
I've had these grips on for a year and really like the feel and the consistent grip I get with them. They really look great on my Rem. 1911 R-1 too. Shipping was very prompt from Brownells as usual. I may heed some of those that suggested putting lock-tite on the grip emblem screw to keep it tight.
Produktnr.: 692000038 PACHMAYR 1911 LEGEND GRIPS HERITAGE WALNUT Produsentnr.: 00434034337004349 Robuste, to-materials grep kombinerer utseendet og følelsen av ekte tre med kontroll- og håndteringsegenskapene til gummikampgreper. Glatt grepspaneler av attraktivt Pacwood, en laminat av rosentre med en holdbar satengfinish, har pent avfasede bunnkanter med utskjæringer for hovedfjærhusets pinne. Innsatsen av semi-myk Decelerator® neopren gummi har skarpe diamanter støpt i sidepanelene for en overlegen gripeflate, våt eller tørr, som ikke vil bite i hånden din. Dype, støpte fingergroper på frontstroppen gir maksimal kontroll og komfort. For enten høyre- eller venstrehendte skyttere, vil disse grepene komplementere den fineste presisjonsjobben eller kampmodifikasjoner. Installasjon krever ingen endringer på våpenet.
1149NOK1kr 1 149,00
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager. 1 stk. på lageret i USA
Robuste grep som kombinerer utseendet av ekte tre med kontrollen av gummikampgreper, laget av glatt laminert rosentre og semi-myk Decelerator® neopren gummi.
Passer til 1911 Auto Gov't. og Commander pistoler, med dype fingergroper for maksimal kontroll og komfort, og krever ingen endringer på våpenet.
Kompatibel med både høyre- og venstrehendte skyttere, og har ingen utskjæring for Ambidextrous Safeties.
Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.y.1
Erklæring om kontroll av destinasjon: Disse artiklene er underlagt kontroll av den amerikanske regjering og er kun godkjent for eksport til destinasjonslandet, for anvendelse av den endelige mottager eller sluttbruker(ene), heri identifisert. De skal ikke videreselges, overføres eller på annen måte avhendes til et annet land eller til en annen person enn den godkjente mottakeren eller sluttbrukeren(ene), enten i sin opprinnelige form eller etter innlemmelse i andre artikler, uten først å få godkjenning fra den amerikanske regjering eller dersom godkjennelse følger av amerikanske lover eller forskrifter.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Produktnr.: 692000022 PACHMAYR 1911 LEGEND FINGER GROOVE GRIPS ROSEWOOD Produsentnr.: 00423034337004233 Robuste, to-materials grep kombinerer utseendet og følelsen av ekte tre med kontroll- og håndteringsegenskapene til gummikampgreper. Glatt grepspaneler av attraktivt Pacwood, en laminat av rosentre med en holdbar satengfinish, har pent avfasede bunnkanter med utskjæringer for hovedfjærhusets pinne. Innsatsen av semi-myk Decelerator® neopren gummi har skarpe diamanter støpt i sidepanelene for en overlegen gripeflate, våt eller tørr, som ikke vil bite i hånden din. Dype, støpte fingergroper på frontstroppen gir maksimal kontroll og komfort. For enten høyre- eller venstrehendte skyttere, vil disse grepene komplementere den fineste presisjonsjobben eller kampmodifikasjoner. Installasjon krever ingen endringer på våpenet.
1049NOK9kr 1 049,00
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager. 9 stk. på lageret i USA
Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.y.1
Erklæring om kontroll av destinasjon: Disse artiklene er underlagt kontroll av den amerikanske regjering og er kun godkjent for eksport til destinasjonslandet, for anvendelse av den endelige mottager eller sluttbruker(ene), heri identifisert. De skal ikke videreselges, overføres eller på annen måte avhendes til et annet land eller til en annen person enn den godkjente mottakeren eller sluttbrukeren(ene), enten i sin opprinnelige form eller etter innlemmelse i andre artikler, uten først å få godkjenning fra den amerikanske regjering eller dersom godkjennelse følger av amerikanske lover eller forskrifter.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Oppdag 1911 AMERICAN LEGEND GRIPS med Heritage Walnut 🌳. Robust grep for presisjon og komfort, perfekt for alle skyttere!
The Look & Feel Of Real Wood, Plus The Handling & Control Of Rubber
Rugged, dual-material grips combine the appearance and feel of real wood with the control and handling benefits of rubber combat grips. Smooth grip panels of attractive Pacwood, a rosewood laminate with a durable satin-finish, have neatly beveled bottom edges with cutouts for mainspring housing pin. The insert of semi-soft Decelerator® neoprene rubber has sharp diamonds molded in the side panels for superior gripping surface, wet or dry, that won’t bite into your hand. Deep, molded finger grooves on the frontstrap provide maximum control and comfort. For either right- or left-handed shooters, these grips will complement the finest accurizing job or combat alterations. Installation requires no alterations to gun.
SPECS: Smooth rosewood laminate, with black molded neoprene rubber. Fits 1911 Auto Gov't. and Commander pistols. No relief cut for Ambidextrous Safeties.
Utseendet og følelsen av ekte tre, pluss håndteringen og kontrollen av gummi
Robuste, to-materials grep kombinerer utseendet og følelsen av ekte tre med kontroll- og håndteringsegenskapene til gummikampgreper. Glatt grepspaneler av attraktivt Pacwood, en laminat av rosentre med en holdbar satengfinish, har pent avfasede bunnkanter med utskjæringer for hovedfjærhusets pinne. Innsatsen av semi-myk Decelerator® neopren gummi har skarpe diamanter støpt i sidepanelene for en overlegen gripeflate, våt eller tørr, som ikke vil bite i hånden din. Dype, støpte fingergroper på frontstroppen gir maksimal kontroll og komfort. For enten høyre- eller venstrehendte skyttere, vil disse grepene komplementere den fineste presisjonsjobben eller kampmodifikasjoner. Installasjon krever ingen endringer på våpenet.
SPECS: Glatt laminert rosentre, med svart støpt neopren gummi. Passer til 1911 Auto Gov't. og Commander pistoler. Ingen utskjæring for Ambidextrous Safeties.
Antall vurderinger: 19
Fra 19
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 4,6
Excellent product and installs easily.(22.06.2018)
Excellent grips and installs very easily. No adjustment whatsoever was required and within a few minutes I got to admire my new grips.
Very comfortable in the hands and the rubber helps provide a lovely cushion for the 1911. The wood finish is lovely and provides an excellent addition to the overall package.
Functional style(11.11.2009)
I put these on a custom 5-inch "franken1911" and I'm nothing but content with this addition. The rubber finger grooves make for an incredibly comfortable and controllable grip: aiding in consistency and accuracy. The deep red wood accents the whole package nicely. These converted the mediocre smooth front strap into an aggressive shooting platform. NOTE: I had to do ~5 minutes of fitting work with a file, but it was easy.
Essential Grip for serious shooters(13.01.2010)
I put these on a Rock Island 1911 and Changed the entire weapon! The rubber finger grooves make for an incredibly comfortable and controllable grip: aiding in consistency and accuracy. Simple Installation right our of the package!
absolutely awesome(17.03.2010)
had to fit the abedextrious safety for clearance, used the factory grip as a guide. springfield loaded model 1911. other than that awesome, i loved this weapon before, now it is WOW. gives a plain black pistol some pizzaz, and more importantly locks the weapon in my grip. next 1911 i get is gonna get one of the grips.
Positive grip for first shot performance(18.03.2010)
I have two 1911 custom guns and I have both setup with these grips. I get the same feel and confidence shooting either pistol. I will only use these grips for all of the 1911's I own and recommend them to my friends. After holding my pistols they want a set for themselves. Thanks for the great product.
LEGEND GRIPS(10.05.2010)
WOW... that's the best word used to describe these grips. Installed them on my Kimber Custom II and could not be happier. They went on in seconds and look absolutely amazing. The dark rosewood color on the black frame is just plain beautiful and adds a classic look to my gun while the rubber molded finger grooves help with proper grip on the pistol and better muzzle control which have lead to tighter groups!! This is my primary carry pistol and I can't think of a better addition to it. Looks amazing, with performance to match. Wish I could add a picture. I can assure you if your thinking about buying these just go ahead. You won't regret it.
Long term use(10.09.2010)
Probably the nicest grips I've ever owned for any of my .45's. They fit my hand perfect right from a draw. The only problem I've had is after a year of on and off carry,one of the inside screws that holds the rubber to the wood fell out of each side.
Work great, but read on...(09.10.2010)
I picked up a set of these grips from a vendor other than Brownells a couple years ago. With that, what I have to say may not apply to Brownell's "version" of these grips, but I felt worth mentioning in case what I have to share applys.
My set was a bit soft or "squishy" for my liking. It didn't take long for me to figure out why. If you look at the backside of the grips, you will notice (at least on my set) that there are large crevices or dimples on the opposite side of where the grip extends between the fingers. I solved the problem by applying a generous drop of Household Goop in each crevice/dimple, applied a good amount of natures Release Agent (yes gentlemen, that would be...spit) to the front side of the grip frame that would come in contact with the Goop, installed the grips and gave her a few hours to set up. Than, removed 'em and rubbed off what Goop might have spilled over onto the frame. Use a dry finger to rub it off, just keep rolling your finger over the Goop and it will, in time, simply roll off. It might take repeating this process one more time (as it did for me) if the crevice/dimples hadn't completely "leveled."
If you think your piece runs well with the "stock" version of these grips, give that above a try. It really firms up the feel and you won't be dissapointed. And, if you don't like it, it won't be hard to revert back. Just pull and stretch the Goop until it all comes free.
Take care.
I LUV these grips.(11.11.2010)
I have a set of these on my STI 1911. I just love them. They feel great, with none of the squishiness a previous reviewer experienced. I love the finger grooves. They allow a very positive grip, and I grasp the pistol in the same position every time. Also, I think they look great. They look "tacticool", but still dress up the gun. Like I said, I love 'em!
Everything I wanted and more(30.03.2011)
I was worried this would'nt fit my Taurus PT1911 AR at first but there was no fitting required. Sleek design and well manufactured. The rubber feels awesome in my hand and doesn't stick to my fingers. The color compliments the "blue" color of my pistol. The grips slightly improved accuracy at the range and allows the pistol to sit snuggly in my grasp. This is the perfect start to my 1911's customization.
Perfect Grip(29.04.2011)
Gorgeous grips, look great and feel even better! Comfortable, while ensuring the correct hold. Required no fitting; was not too squishy either, just right.
Also an attention catcher(14.07.2011)
I use these grips on my GSG 1911 and my Ruger 22/45 Mark III Hunter. The guys at the gun range think that I have three or four versions of these two handguns. I have other Pachmayr all black grips with finger grooves, as well as factory and after-market wooden grips and the finger groove panel that fits under the side panels. The ONLY negative about these grips is that the little nylon washer between the rubber and wood and screw fell off. The lower rubber flapping around was really annoying. I glued the rubber to the wood and will test the gun next weekend. But I absolutely love the comfort (not to mention look) of these grips.
Came on time, look better than the picture, the rubber is high quality and feels very nice between the fingers, gives you extra support, I love it!
Great product, Great price.(11.01.2012)
I was unsure of the quality of these grips due to the price, but after I recieved them I was suprised. They make the gun feel like its custom made for my hand. Love these grips and at this price Ill be purchasing another set.
loctite a must!!(03.02.2012)
I bought these grips, love the way they feel and the look. BUT, before you ever put them on your gun make sure you loctite the pachmyr emblem and the screw that goes into the back of it. The pachmyr emblem serves to hold the rubber grip to the wood grip. If you don't loctite the screw it will come loose, I've seen it happen on two guns. That small screw fits perfectly under the feed ramp on a 1911. If that happens the trigger won't work and a magazine will not insert. Will also need a littel dremel work if you have ambidextrius safety on a 1911.
Great Feel!(19.02.2012)
I put these grips on and old 1911 and it really changed how I felt about the gun! They feel great and seem to even help accuracy!
Not what I would expect from Pachmayr(24.05.2013)
I usually don't write reviews because when I purchase something I expect it to be of quaility and performance. However after receiving these grips I was surprised to find the poor quality and workmanship from a Pachmayr product. The rubber inserts were very poorly bonded to the wooden parts, both screws that hold the Pachmayr logo to the grips were loose and the seam on the rubber finger grooves was very large and uncomfortable. the only good I can say of this product is they looked nice in the package.
These grips are great. They look great and the add amazing stability. On top of that I ordered these grips on Monday w/ standard shipping, they shipped Tuesday I got them Thursday. FANTASTIC SHIPPING!!
Great Grips(24.02.2015)
I've had these grips on for a year and really like the feel and the consistent grip I get with them. They really look great on my Rem. 1911 R-1 too. Shipping was very prompt from Brownells as usual. I may heed some of those that suggested putting lock-tite on the grip emblem screw to keep it tight.