Brownells Norge - Komplett utvalg av ladeutstyr, våpendeler, kuler, hylser, kikkerter, optikk og luftvåpen Norge
709396002826 100036277
An Aluminum Armorer's Block for Your Next AR Build
If you're ready to jump into the world of AR-style rifle building, then it's critical to have the necessary tools that will make your next AR build a breeze. The Crosstac AR-15 Armorer Block Kit is a must-have for anyone who's looking to build more than a single rifle. Trust us, you'll build more than one AR after you're finished with your first. Designed to work with both AR-15 and AR .308 platforms, this Crosstac Aluminum Armorer Block Kit includes features designed to secure both the upper and lower receivers of these popular platform. This design emerged from the frustration of Crosstac's team of engineers, who were tired of dealing with clamshell-style receiver holders. This adjustable block covers all platforms and will hold your receivers more securely than other armorer's blocks on the market. Each Crosstac Armorer Block Kit features nylon setscrews that allow for precision adjustment inside the magazine well. This ensures a perfect fit, as each magazine well will have different profiles due to different construction methods. The block also features machined ledges in the base of the rest, so each block sits level. The block also includes the company's CNC-machined, stainless-steel pin driver.
0 0 1 NOK
Produktnr.: 100036277
Produsentnr.: 135215 709396002826 Hvis du er klar til å dykke inn i verdenen av AR-stil riflebygging, er det avgjørende å ha de nødvendige verktøyene som vil gjøre ditt neste AR-prosjekt til en lek. Crosstac AR-15 Armorer Block Kit er et must for alle som ser for seg å bygge mer enn én rifle. Tro oss, du vil bygge mer enn en AR etter at du er ferdig med din første. Designet for å fungere med både AR-15 og AR .308 plattformer, inkluderer dette Crosstac Aluminium Armorer Block Kit funksjoner designet for å sikre både øvre og nedre mottakere av disse populære plattformene. Dette designet oppsto fra frustrasjonen til Crosstacs team av ingeniører, som var lei av å håndtere clamshell-stil mottakerholdere. Denne justerbare blokken dekker alle plattformer og vil holde mottakerne dine mer sikkert enn andre rustningsblokker på markedet. Hvert Crosstac Armorer Block Kit har nyloninnstillingsskruer som tillater presisjonsjustering inne i magasinbrønnen. Dette sikrer en perfekt passform, ettersom hver magasinbrønn vil ha ulike profiler på grunn av forskjellige konstruksjonsmetoder. Blokken har også maskinerte kanter i basen av hvilen, slik at hver blokk sitter nivå. Blokken inkluderer også selskapets CNC-maskinerte, rustfrie stålstift-driver.
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Spesifikasjoner: Farge: Black Finish: Black Make: AR-15 Material: Aluminum


Farge: Black Finish: Black Make: AR-15 Material: Aluminum Leveringsvekt: 0,16kg Frakthøyde: 76mm Fraktbredde: 127mm Fraktlengde: 254mm


Made in USA

An Aluminum Armorer's Block for Your Next AR Build
If you're ready to jump into the world of AR-style rifle building, then it's critical to have the necessary tools that will make your next AR build a breeze. The Crosstac AR-15 Armorer Block Kit is a must-have for anyone who's looking to build more than a single rifle. Trust us, you'll build more than one AR after you're finished with your first. Designed to work with both AR-15 and AR .308 platforms, this Crosstac Aluminum Armorer Block Kit includes features designed to secure both the upper and lower receivers of these popular platform. This design emerged from the frustration of Crosstac's team of engineers, who were tired of dealing with clamshell-style receiver holders. This adjustable block covers all platforms and will hold your receivers more securely than other armorer's blocks on the market. Each Crosstac Armorer Block Kit features nylon setscrews that allow for precision adjustment inside the magazine well. This ensures a perfect fit, as each magazine well will have different profiles due to different construction methods. The block also features machined ledges in the base of the rest, so each block sits level. The block also includes the company's CNC-machined, stainless-steel pin driver.